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Jk is standing in the balcony suddenly y/n back hugged him.

Jk- y/n leave me.
Y/n - no i can't why are you doing this to me i love you but you always cold towards me today tell me.(jk was trying to control himself)
Jk-y/n i said leave me.
Y/n- i won't.first tell me why are you doing this to me tell me.(she said but jk loosed his control he turned back and said)

Jk- because i don't love you i just married you for the power in this mafia world. i used you as a toy and now I am done with playing you now i don't need you ( y/n fell down on her knees and started crying)

Y/n- b-but i love you with my heart please don't do this to me can't you just love me.
Jk-done with your drama (said while pointing gun on her head)
Y/n- I am stupid so stupid all the time i was thinking that you love me my father told me if I don't want to marry with you i can say no but still I said yes to him and you just used me for your power.

Jk- y/n the choice is yours die or run.

AFTER 2 years

(Y/n ran away and now jungkook is mafia king he totally forgot about y/n. Today is mafia's meeting in their secret headquarters where all mafia's meet with eachother).

Jk- so everything is going good i am the mafia king.
J-hope - yes but do you know nowadays everyone is talking about Asia's biggest mafia queen and today she is coming here.i'm also exited to meet with her.
Jk-ohh really let's see

Suddenly someone came into the headquarter everyone is looking at her she is looking so dangerous. She is wearing a black mask on her face. She went to the stage jk is also looking at her.she revealed her face jk got shocked by seeing her.

Yes guys you guessed it right she is y/n .

Y/n - hello everyone. So you already know about me right . I am lee y/n miss lee y/n .Today I'm here for a big announcement as you know asia is now in my control so today I'm going to do a collab with anyone of you. My project is very simple I'm going to do a attack on African mafia's (after listening this everyone got shocked including jk.suddenly one of them said).

Mr.choi- and how you will do this huh you even know who is the African mafia's.
Y/n- chuckle huh mr.choi.i know who they are saying this because they killed your own son right and i think this is the last time when you are talking to me like this.(then she took her gun and shooted him)

Everyone got shocked because he is the Asia's third biggest mafia.

Y/n- so then please start so the people who is interested in my plan can raise their hands.
Mr.park -im ready miss.
J-hope - jungkook let's say yes she is so cool and the project is also very interesting here is so much benefit.
Jk- yeah but.
J-hope -no buts let's say yes.
Jk- I'm ready y/n.
Y/n- my name is lee y/ jungkook.
Y/n - ok so I made my partner's Mr j-hope and mr.choi.(she said and started walking towards the door.but j-hope stopped her and said)

J-hope -miss lee y/n i think you misunderstood jk is also in this deal.
Y/n- i didn't miss understood Jeon jungkook is not in my deal. We will meet at my office nice to meet you.(she went out with her bodyguard's)

Jungkook is still thinking about her why she is here after 2years. The question is roaming in his mind.
Y/n mansion....

Y/n is in her huge mansion she is waiting for her sister Lisa

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Y/n is in her huge mansion she is waiting for her sister Lisa. Lisa is her younger sister after she ran away from jk her father was dead now she is mafia world. Lisa is 16 years old she is in her high school. she don't want to loose her that's why she send 20 cars to take her back to the mansion. Lisa can't go anywhere without her permission but she loves her so much and lisa is very cute and funny.

Y/n- oh god this girl ( she called her bodyguard and said)
Y/n - where is she you took her safely.
Bodyguard -yes mam. Lisa Mam is eating ice cream with her friends.
Y/n- oh ok. Give her phone.
Lisa- unnie (older sister)why are you so afraid I'm not a kid.
Y/n- you are only 16 ok and why are you eating ice cream with your friends you will get fever because of ice cream.
Lisa- sorry i won't do this again.(pout)
Y/n-ok. Come fast.
Lisa- ok bye unnie.

Jk pov

I was sitting on the couch thinking about y/n . Why she came back what she wants from me and how she became Asia's biggest mafia queen i killed her father who supported her is she knows that I killed her father. She came back for revenge. Huh.

End of jk pov

Lisa went into the house and hugged her from back.

Lisa-im back unnie.
Y/n- ok go and fresh up.(y/n turned back)
Lisa - unnie today I have a plan let's go to the cinema hall.
Y/n - no need Lisa.(while walking towards the upstairs)
Lisa-please please please we will watch Wednesday movie it's amazing.
Y/n - go on third floor and watch movie in our private cinema hall.
Lisa - no. Can't we spend one day like normal people.(lisa said like a baby while roaming around y/n )
Y/n- lisa if we have everything in our house so why you want to go your lunch and do anything what you want ok. But (cut off by Lisa)
Lisa - so i can go out.
Y/n- but but but in our home. ( While smiling y/n went in her room. Lisa was standing on stairs)
Lisa - urghhhhh ahhhhhhh i can't even go out.

END of part 1.
Thank you for reading 😊❤️.

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