Chapter 39 : Alex's P.O.V.

Start from the beginning

What ?

I looked at Ivan and he is looking at her with same confusion.

"What happened Rav ?" I asked her softly.

"P-Ple-ease take me with you. I am w-weak. I c-can't f-fight here. They all are bad. So bad. I d-don't want to l-live here. P-Ple-ease d-don't l-leave me a-alone h-here B-Bubby" She cried her heart out.

I again tight my hug telling her that we are not going to leave her alone now.

I pulled out from the hug forcefully and cupped her face with my warm hands and wipe her tears with my thumb.

"What happened Rav ? Please tell us" She looked at me and nodded.

"B-Brian is back, bubby" She muttered and I clench my fist. I could see Ivan's jaw tightened too.

She looked down and started fiddling with her fingers.

"I-I am tired with everyone here. My R-Roomates are b-bad. They p-put s-spiders on my f-food" She hiccuped while my eyes widened in shock.

What the fuck !!!

I looked at Ivan and he is looking like he is lost in deep thought.

I again looked at Rav as she continues.

"They a-always comment on me. From How I am brushing my teeth to how I am sleeping, they pass their judgement on each and everything. I can't even do one thing of my choice because they are always behind me to judge for that. T-They never forget to remind me that I am f-fat and u-ugly" She whispered last sentence but we heard it.

Ivan immediately kneel down infront of her holding her face.

"You know right you are none of them. Neither fat, not ugly" He told her, sternly and I nodded my head.

"I know Ivan, I know but you can't unhear it if they will tell you repeatedly one thing" She told him, frustrated.

"I can handle these people too but I can't h-handle my b-brothers, Ivan. I can't." She shut her eyes tightly.

"What ?" Ivan asked her confused.

"T-They told them to bully me" She whispered but he heard it clearly.

"WHAT THE HELL" I gritted my teeth.

"Bully you ? Means ? Did these people h-hit you ?" Ivan asked her.

She bit her lips and looked down, and we got our answers.

"I am going to kill all of them" I seethed.

"I am going to help you" A new voice said, coming in the room.

We both looked at her, confused.

But her eyes met my sister's eyes and she immediately run towards her, hugging her tightly, in response Rav also hugged her back tightly.

"Where were you, Rav ? I was so worried about you." She sighed.

Rav smiled apologetically.

"Excuse me, who are you ?" Ivan asked her, kind off harshly.

She looked at him, more like glare at him because of his harshness.

"Ivan, She is my friend, Parinika Kapoor and Pari he is Ivan and he is Alex" She introduced us, smiling.

She wide her eyes like she didn't expect us but nonetheless smiled waving at us.

We both nodded.

"So Where were I ? Oh yeah-" she turn towards me and "I am going to help you in slaughter them. All of them. Each of them. If you want, I can give many ideas too to torcher them, I read many many Mafia books so I know how to torcher people very well" She smirked.

"Pari, Calm down" Rav chuckled.

"No Rav, I can't. Did you guys know, what they did with her ?" She turned towards us. I frowned my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What ?" We both said almost simultaneously.

"N-Nothing" Rav immediately said, smiling, nervously. I raised my left eyebrow.

She looked at Raven for a second before turning towards us. I looked at Raven only to see her scared expression.

"Tell us, what they did ?" Ivan demanded.

She looked at us and sighed.

She told us each and every thing. How they put spiders in her food, how they humiliate her infront of whole cafeteria, how those bitches slapped her, how they always bodyshamed her, how they turned almost everyone against her in this college.

I gritted my teeth. My hands are fisted the whole time, my jaw is clenched tightly, my eyes are getting darker each passing second.

She is going through all these and didn't even bother to tell us. I looked at her, and she is looking down, fiddling with her fingers.

How could they do that to such an innocent soul ? How could they lay their fingers on her ? I will rip their heads off.

I Promise you Rav, I will make all of them regret for even looking at you with bad intentions, I promise you Rav, they are gonna question their decisions of touching you. And I will make sure of it.

"Rav" I called her softly and she looked at me.

I just stare at her. And she is looking in my eyes.

In a second, her eyes filled with tears and without wasting a second, I pulled her in my embrace. She sobbed in my chest.

Her cries is the only thing which is heard in a room.

She is crying uncontrollably, breaking our hearts into pieces.

We never let her cry and now here they are making her cry every now and then.

I looked at Ivan only to see in deep thoughts. He looked at me and I raised my eyes only for him to be reluctant.


I frowned at him.

Why he is so hesistant ??

"Did he do something to you ?"

"Who ?" Parinika asked, confused.

The second that name left from his mouth, I felt Rav stiffen in my arms.

"Brian Dallas"

To Be Continued...

Sorry for late update... A little busy with daily life routine 😂.

Hope you like this chapter 🙂.

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Share your thoughts about this chapter and tell me what do you think what will happen next ??

I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 25th January 2K23.

Total Words : 1567 words 😁.

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