Part 2 Chapter 15

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Emma's POV

'Guys! let me in!' I pound on the front door.
The door opens to reveal Zach.
I push past him and run inside, being sure to close the door behind me.
She's after me...

'Woah, what's going on?' he asks.
'Bash... and-and some girl. The squids,they got- Kyle' I try to catch my breath.

'What!?' he shouts.
The others run into the hall.
'What's going on?' Adam asks.
'The squids got Kyle... and Bash is working with them' Zach says.
'Bash? he's-he's working with them?' Steve asks.
'They got Kyle?...' Precious says quietly.

'I'm sorry, I tried to stop them but I couldn't' I say.
'Everyone into the living room. I have a plan' Adam says.

Lauren's POV

Now they had Kyle!
What do they want with us now!?

'Lauren, we'd like you to meet a friend of ours' Nikki snarls.
I'm taken out of mine and Laura's cell and brought to another room.

' well- you' she says.
I look straight forward into 'my' eyes.
How is this possible?

I slowly lift my arm but my reflection doesn't follow.
'What is this?' I ask.
'I told you, this is you' Nikki repeats herself.
'How- how did you' I struggle to find the right words.

'Hey, don't blame us' she shrugs 'after all... you're the one who gave us those samples in the first place'
'I- I never gave you mine' I say.

'YOU didn't... but he did'
The second Bash that he told me about walks into the room.
'I gave you Bash's...' I say quietly.
'Not only his' she smirks.

She forms a glowing ball in her hands.
She's- she's just like Seto...
But how?

'Back in the real world Seto taught me a...few things' she reads my mind.
She throws the ball into the air, revealing an image.

An image of my friends.
They're all in the living room with Emma.
'We gotta go back down there. if they have Kyle that must be where the others went' Adam says.

I want to tell them not to come down here but I can't... it's just some sort of hologram.

'you have us hers,his and hers' she shows Molly Kellie and Jerome.
'and our little friend here will get the rest'
' you son of a b-'
' and once we have them... Well' she laughs ' then it's all over...'

'go find them. And don't come back without every-single-sample' she orders the clones.

They nod and run off.
' you're insane' I say blankly.
'I know' she smiles 'I know...'

Tyler's POV

We all decided to-once again. Go back down there.
' When did this all start?' I ask.
' all of this... With the squids'

' well when they got us back when we first got trapped into the game all they said was they wanted Adam' Jason says.
' but why? Why did they want Adam in the first place?' I ask.
We all look at Adam.

'I honestly have no idea. I mean back in the real world the whole squid thing was just a joke.So I really don't know why this is happening' Adam shrugs.

'well...that didn't help at all' roisin says after a while.
Adam glares at her.
' what?'

'guys!over here!' Lauren's voice calls.
'Lauren?' Ty calls ' where are you?'

We all follow her voice to see her and Bash.
' where were you two!?' Adam says.
' the squids. They got us but we escaped' Bash says.

Precious Kellie and Alex give him a strange look.
What's up with them?

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