Part 2 Chapter 11

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A/N: I pinky promise this chapter will be better than the last one😂

Hope you enjoy!x
P.S : stylish_diva6688 is a fart face😊

Ashley's POV

I knock on the door of the mansion.
I've been walking for days, trying to find a place to stay.
How did I even end up in this game!?

The door opens, revealing a guy with dark hair.
'Uh... can I help you?' he asks.
'Yes, I'm looking for somewhere to stay' I begin 'and I noticed that there are a lot of houses here. I was wondering if I could stay for at least one night'

He looks as if he's thinking.
'One second' he says and closes the door.
'Do you think she's working with them?' another slightly familiar voice asks.
'I dunno. maybe, I mean we can't trust anyone' the guy says.

Working with who?
The door opens again.
'I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name' the guy says.
'Oh, eh I'm Ashley' I say.
'Uh huh. one moment'

He closes the door once again.
'Her names Ashley' he says.
'Wait... what does she look like?' a familiar voice asks.
'Uh... purple hair...' he begins.

The door once again opens this time revealing someone I recognise.
It's Zach.
'Ashley!' he smiles.
'Hey, what are you doing here?' I ask.

'Um... I sorta live here' he shrugs.
My jaw drops. 'you... live here?' I ask in shock.
'Uh yeah' he laughs at my shocked expression.
'Woah...' is all I can say.

'So... you wanna come inside?' he asks.
'Uh Zach...' the first guy says.
'Calm down Alex' Zach sighs 'Ashley's alright'

He looks unsure but goes with it.
I step inside, the huge hallway in front of me is so well decorated.
Who knew you could get all of that stuff in minecraft?

'This place is amazing' I say in awe.
'Yeah. it took a lot of work' Zach says as we walk into a huge hall.
'Wait' I stop walking 'YOU made this!?'

'Well not just me' he says 'there's a lot of us here. we all made it together'
'Where are the others?' I ask.
I wanna know how many people have been trapped in the game.

I remember seeing on the news that there were lots of people going missing.
Now that I think about, I remember hearing that Zach had gone missing.
Not only him, but lots of other youtubers too.

He leads me into another room, a living room I think.
I see some more familiar faces.
Jerome,Adam who seems to be cradling a....

Why is Adam cradling a baby?...
'Look who I bumped into' Zach gets their attention.
'Hey! Ashley!' Adam says.
'Hey... what's with the baby?' I ask.
'Oh yeah... surprise! I'm a father' he says.

'You're a what now?'
'I'm a father' he repeats himself.

'You' I say 'you're a dad?'
He nods.
'He's a dad to three actually' Zach says.

'Kellie and Molly don't count!' Adam says.
'Wait. what is going on?' I ask.

Before I get an answer more people walk in.
'Who's this?' I guy I don't know asks.
'This is Ashley'
'Hi' I smile.

'Another girl?' the guy groans.
'No offence' he adds.
'None taken...'

'We're being over run by girls!' Gizzy says.
'Nice to see you too' I narrow my eyes at him.
'I'm just saying' he shrugs.
'Where are the other girls then?' I look around the room.

'You can go shopping?' I ask. 'In minecraft?'
'Apparently' Tyson says.

'Hey. hey, I have a joke' a girls voice says from outside.
'Megan... don't do it' another girl says.
'Sh! what did the elevator say about it's job?'

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