Chapter Nineteen

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Alice POV

That week was difficult for me and the rest of my family, but we made it through. We ended up discussing things with my therapist and my mother ended up retained the complete memory. She apologized quite a bit and really made herself feel guilty but I told her it was forgiven now and to just move on.

So we did.

But unfortunately while my family life seemed to finally fix the broken holes and all, James and I drifted farther and farther away from each other.

He seemed to disappear from my life within a day. But I can't argue I've been looking for him. It does hurt me a bit inside to know we aren't speaking but I'm not exactly rushing to find him and speak again. It's not that simple. I just have no honest clue where we stand, friendship or more, and finding him doesn't seem like a thought until that question is answered. Plus then I also have to explain my father to him and I'm also not sure how ready I am for that.

So, to sum it up, I was sort of avoiding him. And it seemed like he was avoiding me too.

I tried telling myself it didn't matter all that much if we drifted apart. But I was fooling myself because he was something important to my heart and his absence was affecting me.

Like how my smiles or laughs were still there but seemed to lack a certain quality. How seeing other's smile instantly brought a certain brown-eyed male smile into my mind. And I tried everything in my power to block the little things I kept noticing because I didn't think it was healthy.

Not much changed as the transition of late rainy April turned into early bright May happened.

My family began sort of complete, my social life returned to what it was in the beginning of the year and the bad boy and I continued to ignore each other.

But one Friday night, changed the pattern.

I had my books out for final studies when the doorbell rang. Since my mother was out and my brother up at college, I went and answered the door. I couldn't contain the surprise on my face to see my two best friends smiling broadly at me with sleepover stuff under their arms.

"Hey guys, what's up," I said while leaning against the doorway.

"You've been ignoring us," Violet said boldly.

I opened my mouth to rebut but she held up her hand, "Don't deny it; it's irreverent now. However, we feel like a sleepover will help break your gloomy mode."

I leaned against the door. I was half tempted to shut the door and say I was busy, studying or whatever, but I realized I truly did miss hanging out with them and I was in fact not really happy being alone.

I smiled broadly, "Come in."


The decision to allow them to stay was a good idea.

We ended up having a fantastic time. We talked, laughed, cried happy tears and just did crazy things. I felt like a scene from a movie- it just felt so happy and unreal.

They helped me forget about everything for a while and enjoy life.

But then after enjoying being each other, the girls decided that they wanted to know what was up. So I ended up telling them what was bothering me: a certain brown-eyed boy.

I glanced at the two of them curled, asleep on the ground. Violet's snores filling the room while Sarah quietly inhaled and exhaled matching her sisters snoring.

They both listened intently to every word that came out of my mouth and it took a couple seconds before Sarah finally spoke. Her advice ran through my mind and it still lingers there, keeping me wake.

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