Chapter Fifteen

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Alice POV

I don’t remember getting in my bed. I remember listening to the calming notes of Jet Pack Blues, the car turning hitting puddles that splashed against my window. James light finger tapping to the beat of his heart, making my heart match his lullaby into a deep sleep.

Out of all that, waking up or being lifted to my bed does not ring a bell.

So when I woke in my bed, still dressed in last night’s clothes, I was quite surprised and confused. I had a feeling what had occur but the thought of actually sleeping through it, baffled me.

It wasn’t until I got out of the my old clothes, did all my morning jazz, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast before the bus, that my thoughts were confirmed by my mother.

According to her, James had seen me seeing and had thought it was too cruel to wake me up so he carried me up to my bedroom and put me to bed. Then he talked to my mother, completely charming her somehow, making her forget how I missed school and wasn’t home until 11 pm on a school night. He then proceeded to inform my mother that he would drive me to school today so I wouldn’t have to suffer on the bus.

The sneaky bastard, I do not know how he did but I would love to know his secrets.

“Are you seriously pouting,” the devil said while slightly smirking at my behavior.

Currently, we were in the car and, for real this time, heading to school. But I guess I was still upset with the fact he gets away with stuff so easily. I glared at him, still pouting, “Whatever.”

He laughed, his heartfelt, beautiful laugh, and turned the car swiftly into a spot. School was suddenly up close and it made me uneasy. I still had every makeup work not done and I was worried about my grades, but I stopped my thoughts. I wouldn’t have changed anything that I did yesterday for the grades I will lose.

Oh boy, what has this bad boy done to my nerdy self?

I opened the door, and stepped out of his car. I closed the door and watched as many kids who were also outside, stared at us in shock and rare ones of jealously.

I have no clue what was so shocking or admirable of being me that made them act like a high school movie, but I guess my anger for James was known to many kids and to see him with me was indeed surprising. However, they still have no right to stare and point.

I followed James with my head high and walked inside, only to be greeted with more stares but now strangely pitiful. But like outside, I continued to ignore them as I spotted Violet and Sarah talking at my locker.

I turned to James, “You’ll probably want to run unless you want to gossip with them.”

James smiled, “Thanks. I’ll see you later. I’m driving you home, so don’t run away, Apple Juice.”

He tapped my nose and walked away towards the East side of south. I turned around, smiling softly, heading west to my friends, who still remained oblivious to my arrival.

“Hey guys,” I greeted, opening my locker. The minute that flew out my mouth, Violet then proceed to fill me in the day I missed. Apparently some chick smart-mouthed her and thought it would be okay. The next class period, she had colorful paint all over her.

Violet was quite special, I had to keep reminding myself.

After grabbing my stuff, I closed my locker. We then proceeded to head to our first hour class but something halted us.

Now honestly, I’ve never been the type to watch where I was going, hence why and how I met Tom. But I realize now how oblivious I am when I ran into her, almost knocking into about three different people and somehow causing a minor accident.

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