Prologue 2: Y/n

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Being an only child isn't that difficult, right? To exactly define it, I served through various illnesses, and comas due to terrible health conditions, and my parents are Hodophile who "used" to not caring about their child's opinions. 

More precisely, typical Asian parents know as strict but not strict parents. They give you unconditional love, stuff you adore, and managed everything about you, opposite to that, they never listen and care about your ambition and want to get respect, and priority from you to them.

I am fascinated by the beauty of life and the knowledge of the world, at a young age traveling with them, I have been through a lot of places, yet still want to visit one more of the places I've dreamed of growing up with, France. The river, the wine, the scenery, and its history, all match up to the level of perfection. Not to include my childhood crush there, well not really since she doesn't really show her romantic side.

When I'm enjoying my ecstatic life, tragedy suddenly happens and puts me in a dangerous coma in which I may have died if it wasn't for those developed technologies. Fortunately, I've restored myself with a downside effect, having Dissociative identity disorder.

 I noticed myself sometimes losing consciousness at a place and regaining it again in a random weird place; people usually call me by some specific name, describing events that I've never been to before yet familiar and gasping at evidence that they show me. Soon I started to bare with it and research my other identities, having rules to change each one by identical stuff.

I'm naming them after events and traits they left to me:

The Origin Child: commonly understand as me, Y/n, lame yet bright, smart but buttery-finger, lazy but sporty person. It all has the balance of life, good and bad. Furthermore, I enjoy studying some typical subjects, English, History, or (Subject Name) but not all of them look fun such as Geometry from Math, Chemistry, and Physics. The most innocent, carefree personality out of the other two. Typical taste style, not into fashion, and usually keep it ordinary.

 That were only the things I was able to portray myself.

The Shadow King: She refers to herself being the King instead of the Queen, naming her Keziya, from what people said to me the misunderstanding of her is she is a brilliant, academic, gifted personality as well as dominant, sassy, harsh judgemental. Her leisure interest is doing some club presentations, online tutoring courses, or having a  stage discourse. She intends to be famous and catch the surrounding attention, which is why her fashion taste is high and stylish, fabulous and attractive. 

Someone used to call her bitchy due to her toxic traits yet still loved her, yikes, she doesn't really like being switched out occasionally from any perspective as the glasses are the key to summoning her personality up and she will be making over my appearance too.  From plain outfits to light academic models, we kept the same wolf-cut hairstyle but she preferred to tie it up as hiding my identity since she does respect and sympathy for others' souls.

The Chaos Soul: reflect my past inner boy traits, he goes with Sacha Cailloux as his name, emotional, caring, obsessive, fearless, and loyal. On the other hand, he has trust issues and is kind of Intolerant, aggressive, quick-tempered, stubborn, ferocious, ruthless, and inconsiderate. I used to be arrested by him due to his arbitrary violence and taking control of 2 souls to fight a gang of rapists, it was quite normal back then. He is carefree about fashion and is likely to wear a hat, and black jacket all the time if he is in control. Hence, he rarely switches out after a while since nothing special going on these years.

 I don't know if he's still there or vanished.

That being said, another special feature is the vision I have is strange due to the color, and things that I detect or encounter are most likely non-exist, ghostly stuff. People half-trust me since everyone here in my village is sanctimonious. Just keep it a secret and nothing will go wrong.

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