Ch. 38

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Joe looked absolutely shocked to hear me finish his sentence with the name of my biological father... Anthony Trust. I didn't want this to be the truth, but unfortunately I'd been living with this truth for longer than I'd like to admit. Now that Joe had come clean to me about Anthony Trust and the royal bombshell that was apparently my family background, I decided to come clean to Joe about every hint and creepy interaction I'd had with Anthony. Additionally, Joe even explained why he'd been so disturbed when I was going to the dance with Aaron.

Everything was finally starting to click about this Anthony Trust. I now understood why people seemed to hold their breath when he walked in a room. Why he never seemed to fear anyone or anything. Anthony Trust embodied supremacy and power with every step he took, and now knowing that he'd been a rich and famous prince on Earth... it all made sense.

Because New Earth is so far from Earth, we're very slow to obtain updates on Earth's current events. We mostly learn about Earth's history that led Earth to discovering New Earth. Oh and we also have access to some of Earth's older media that settlers brought with them to New Earth.

Right now, on every news station, website, and social media page there was a headline covering the story of former prince turned politician Anthony Trust versus mega rich Fuse CEO, Joe Mangello. Joe and Anthony Trust's case will be held in front of parliament to battle over custody of ME. This decision will have the power to overturn the law allowing giants to adopt humans in the first place. That would mean that families like mine wouldn't even be possible for anyone. According to some stations it's suspected that overturning this law could overturn giant/human marriages, and roll back advancements in integrating humans and giants. I don't even want to entertain the idea of ending up with Anthony Trust.

For the past two weeks I've been at home with Joe and Gram, while Wendleton High has been covered with news cameras everyday waiting to see what stupid thing I'll do upon my return. To be honest I was more than okay with completing the term virtually, for I didn't really have much to return to at school anymore. The two humans I was closest to, Aaron and Jade, had double crossed me, so I wouldn't miss them. Then the two giants I was closest to, Trent and Logan were also completing school virtually at the moment in order to avoid contact with the press. I'm pretty sure Joe's lawyers had arranged for Logan not to return to school once the press realized the party had been held at his house, and well, we certainly couldn't trust Logan in front of a camera. As far as Trent goes, his family was still doing everything they could do to find River. Since police had all but called off their search, Joe had supplied them with a team of private investigators.

Some pluses in my life came on the medical end for once. My stitches from the bullet wound had finally dissolved, and my hand was no longer wrapped in a splint from punching Aaron. Now, even though I couldn't use my e-scooter at school, I could certainly use my e-scooter at home. Perks of living in such a huge house. Joe and Gram were at court all day... AGAIN... so I blew off some steam zooming around the kitchen and living room on my e-scooter.


I answered my new phone after one ring once I saw it was Trent calling..

"Are you watching the trial right now?!" Trent asked in a panicked tone.

"No. Joe unplugged the TV and deffs doesn't want me to watch... why?"

"Sh#T Morgan. It's bad. Joe hasn't fully lost but they just announced that child services will be taking you to a temporary government appointed human guardian until the end of the trial,"

"WHAT?! Wait- when?"

"Right now,"

"No. No, no, no. I'm home alone right now. Do I get to see Joe.. or Gram? Wait. What's happening?

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