Ch. 22

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It was Monday morning. Finally time to return to school. Joe had given me the option to stay home a number of times but I declined knowing that it didn't much matter when I returned, it was most likely going to suck either way, so I might as well get it over with.

I constantly turned heads when I made my way to my locker. Luckily, I was smart enough to bring headphones so I had some type of distraction. Focusing on one of my favorite earth artist's songs, I drowned out any whispers or remarks that may have been made about me until I reached my locker.

"Morgan," Aaron, greeted me at my locker. Had he been waiting here? Of course he had. If there's one person I needed to speak with today, it was Aaron.

"Morgan, I'm so sorry,"

"Well I owe you an apology as well," I admitted, feeling tension spread through my body.

"What on New Earth would you have to apologize for?" Aaron questioned, clearly confused.

"I'm sure you've heard about Trent and I,"

"Oh I've heard. And believe me, I know that's only half the reason I need to apologize. I don't even know where to start. I really am so sorry I lost you at the dance! And how dare Trent do that to you,"

"Do what?"

"You know... try to... you know..." Aaron said, clearly uncomfortable with this topic.

At this I actually had to laugh. Aaron of all people should have known Trent wouldn't try to eat me! Aaron's spent lunches with Trent, Logan and I before. "Don't tell me you believe he was trying to eat me?"

"Well what was he doing then?"

Oh mother earth, this was incredibly awkward. I figured Aaron would be mad at me for skipping out on him for Trent, when I was his date. Just the thought of what I did made me feel disappointed in myself. However, there was the other news pertaining to Aaron that needed to be addressed.

"So your dad's trying to take the only family I have left away from me?"

"That's not his intention," Aaron replied with his skin becoming flushed.

"Then what is his intention? A-and why now? Why me?"

"Well who said it's even targeted at you?"

"Oh yes, maybe he and BIlly Sharp's dad are just targeting all the other humans who've made headlines for being adopted by a known giant," I retorted. I'm certain my eyes couldn't have rolled more. Aaron was actually defending his father?

"Morgan, just take yourself out of the equation and just think about it. I didn't spend more than 10 minutes with Joe and he was using his size against us."

"No... It was a misunderstanding. He... We're grieving."

"Yeah, well, I was in the room with you and your so-called father for just a moment and I saw you have to live in fear. I can't imagine what goes on in that house everyday."

"Nothing goes on!"

"At the end of the day, it's not okay for a human child to have to live alone with a freaking giant who is so clearly a danger, and unfit to parent!


Oh... Sh#t Sh#t triple Sh#t! No, no noooo. Why did I do that? Why Morgan, why?

One second I was listening to Aaron call Joe unfit to be my father, and the next second I was holding my throbbing hand in pain as I looked down at Aaron who was on the ground with his face covered in blood. I mean, this looked like a freaking crime scene! I didn't mean to punch him! I just snapped!

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