Ch. 47

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It was way too easy for me to slip straight out the back door while everyone was eating breakfast, like one big happy family. I feel so small in that house, and not just because I'm human. Joe has this way of making me out to be the most fragile human in the world. And then all the rules he sets for other giants he breaks, when he does stuff like put me in his pocket to "protect" me from Jacob. Please. I'd been grabbed day one of school and tossed into a baseball cap, I'd out run Ben Sharp and found a hiding spot he couldn't even reach, and I'd handled Jacob just fine by myself last night. I would have been fine. Jacob actually warmed my heart that in spite of me being so much smaller, he still mostly recognized I was the older one in the situation. It made me feel big... until Joe had to come remind me that I'm small.

Trent met me at the mixed section of a local park in walking distance from Joe's house. I mean, it took me 20ish minutes to walk there, while it would have taken Joe or Trent no time, but oh well. I liked getting to walk myself for once instead of having to be carried around by a giant.

"Wow. That's a lot," Trent responded once I'd finished my whole story. Right on time, Trent's phone buzzed for a second time. It was his dad calling.

"Hey Dad. Yeah.... Yeah, I'm with her right now. Why?... Oh, sorry, I didn't know... okay, I will... Okay, bye,"

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking in his less than happy expression.

"So you didn't mention to Joe that you were leaving the house?"

"I told him I needed space,"

"Morgan, check your phone. Apparently Joe's like freaking out, and you're not picking up your phone,"

I checked my phone to find like 15 missed calls from Joe. oops. "I told him I needed space,"

"But do you normally just leave the house without telling him?"

"No, but I should be able to. We're just at the park... It's like so close to our house,"

"Close for a giant. Wait- did you really walk here by yourself?! What if a giant had been walking by and didn't see you!" Trent said, sounding more like Joe by the second.

"What, did you think Joe dropped me off at the park?"

"Actually yes. I thought that since you didn't have me come get you at your house,"

"Because I didn't need to have you or any other giant get me to and from a place I could walk to by myself,"

"Can you be a little more sensitive to the idea of a family going to find you in your room and you being gone. It's not okay. You should have told him," Trent said, getting emotional at the end. Sh#t... I hadn't even clocked how this might be triggering due to how River went missing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think. I'll call him right now," I said, feeling guilty as I put my phone up to my ear, calling Joe, who of course answered after one ring.

"Morgan! Where are you?"

"Hey. Sorry I'm at the park. I shouldn't have left without telling you,"

"I'm on my way,"

"No, it's fine. Trent will give me a walk back... see you soon,"

Trent proceeded to give me a lift home in complete silence. Mother earth! Now Trent was mad at me too? All I did was walk to the park. I'm so sick of everyone making me out to be some adrenaline junky going out of my way to get myself in trouble. I'm not doing anything crazy!

When we got to my house, Trent went to put me down at the human sized door instead of just entering through the giant sized one.

"You're not coming in?"

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