•°●○ Chapter Seven ○●°•

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Miyano turned around to say something to Hirano but the blonde was nowhere to be seen, the dark haired boy hadn't seen him snatched away by one of his old college room mates, so he continued on his way to Sasaki's changing room.

That's when he saw them in the darkness at the back of the stage. Hanzawa was making out with a pretty, orange haired girl with glasses, both of them seemed to be enjoying it immensely and he felt weird about standing there watching so he turned on his heel and ran.

The door burst open and in flew a blushing Miyano. "Are you ok?" Tashiro asked, obviously concerned about the current state of his friend. "Yeah, I'm f..fine" he stuttered in response.

The door opened again and in walked a slightly dishevelled Hanzawa, which led to another dusting of pink to cover the small boys cheeks and the bridge of his nose." "Hirano wants us all to go to our seats now before the movie starts" he instructed. "Miyano are you ok? You're extremely flushed. Do you feel sick?" "No Hanzawa sepai I'm fine" he replied, not able to look directly at the brunette.

Everyone sat as Sasaki was introduced on stage. "Thank you all for coming tonight and for supporting me throughout this journey. I'd like to thank my closet friends Hirano Taiga, Hanzawa Masato and Ogasawara Jirou and also my beautiful sister Satoko. Now enjoy the movie" the orange haired boy said with a bow as he walked off stage.

"Sasaki senpai has a sister?" the boy asked Hirano. "Yes, she'll be joining us at the after party later on" the boy smiled.

The movie ended to rapturous applause as Sasaki walked back on stage hand in hand with the same orange haired girl that Miyano had seen making out with Hanzawa. He gasped loudly, "shit".

"You're acting really weird tonight Miyano, what's going on?" Kuresawa asked. "Nothing" he mumbled in response. His attention was taken when Sasaki began to address the audience again.

"As you all know I've taken on the role of Yusuke Sato in the new anime 'Is this love?" and I'd like to introduce you to my co star Yamagawa Ishiro who will be taking on the role of my love interest Tsubaki Kyou." The audience clapped loudly as an attractive blond boy with sparkling green eyes walked on stage.

Suddenly something felt 'wrong' to Miyano but he didn't know what. He'd never felt like this before and he didn't like it at all but he couldn't shake the feeling that his life was going to change dramatically. He was brought to his senses when images of the manga stills of the ' Is this love?' characters were shown on screen.

"Is it just me or does the character that Sasaki senpai is going to voice look just like him?" the boy asked Hirano. The blond chuckled loudly, "the writer is a huge Sasaki simp and wrote the role especially for him. Just wait until you see his love interest."

Miyano felt a little uneasy, "Mya chan, come and meet Yamagawa san" Sasaki said with a huge smile. The small dark haired boy walked over to the two men, "Oh my God Sasaki, he's like his twin" the shocked blond said as he looked wide eyed at Miyano. The boy bowed in front of the two taller men but felt extremely uncomfortable with the looks that Yamagawa was giving him. However all became clear when the image of 'Tsubaki Kyou' flashed onto the screen.

The gasps were extremely audible when everyone saw the image of the anime character alongside Sasaki's new P.A, they were identical.

"Mya chan, look. You're my love interest" beamed a flushed Sasaki to the beet red smaller dark haired boy.

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