•°●○ Chapter Two ○●°•

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Kagiura was mesmerised by the vision if front of him, he could feel the heat rising within him, he felt giddy and couldn't catch his breath. He had never felt like this before and it was scaring him.

"Are you ok Kagi kun?" Hirano asked politely. Kagiura felt like he had the wind knocked out of him, 'shit a pet name already' he thought to himself. "Yes Hirano senpai, I'm fine" he lied.

"Are you always so flushed or are you sick" the blonde asked eying him suspiciously. "No I'm fine it's just hot in here" the taller boy replied breaking a smile.

"Do I just work with Sasaki senpai" the younger boy asked. "No, we'd like you to train all four of us as we like to do charity runs and things like that" the blonde pointed out. "Hanzawa is the laziest one, he likes hiking but that's about it. Ogasawara likes his martial arts, Sasaki loves to swim and cycle and I'm usually the one who runs long distances, however I've been having a few issues with my knee."

It was at that moment that the physiotherapist took over Kagiura, he loved being to help people. "Did you injure yourself whilst running?" he asked the blonde in front of him.

"Yeah, I stumbled and jarred it" he replied. "I'm asuming that you have a private gymn here" the dark haired boy replied. "It's on the 45th floor, with the steam room and pool" Hirano answered looking a little confused. "Take me there and let me examine your knee" the boy ordered.

A few minutes later Hirano was on the examination bed in shorts and all Kagiura could think was 'don't think rude thoughts, be professional'. "I'll try and be gentle and I'm sorry if I hurt you but I'm going to manipulate your knee. If it gets too much please tell me, ok?"

"Okay" replied a pensive Hirano.

Kagiura could feel himself heating up, he knew that he had to control himself if he was going to be able to work with Hirano but he was sure he could do it.

This was new to Kagiura, he had never had feelings like this before and especially not concerning someone of the same gender. He always wondered why he never got excited about girls, even if they were extremely pretty. He tried but those feelings never materialised, he just put it down to the stresses of life. The boy played basketball throughout his teenage years and he was gifted but when his mother became ill all his thoughts of going pro floated out of the window. He had to be the provider of the family, someone that they could rely on and that was him, 100%.

"Shit!" shrieked the distressed looking blonde. "I'm so sorry Hirano senpai" Kagiura replied. "It's fine, don't worry" Hirano replied, "you just hit the spot, dead on where it hurts".

"Okay, we can work with that" Kagiura said with a smile. "What do you think it is and can it be fixed Kagi kun."

"I think that you've Patellofemoral pain syndrome or 'runners knee." "That sound's bad" a shocked Hirano replied. "It can be fixed easily with rest, ice, elevation and the proper stretching and strengthening techniques" the boy smiled, "I can help you overcome this Hirano senpai."

Hirano didn't know what it was about the man in front of him but he had a really good feeling about him and if he had to admit he did about the other new staff members too. The blonde had a feeling that all of their lives were going to change for the better.

He didn't realise that would be the case and to what extent.

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