16. The time we went from unsullied bliss to pure Madness

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"Come." The demand is calm and controlled. "Wet my cock with your glorious essence, my Luna." I let go—spilling and spinning out of control as he rams me with more aggression, if that was even possible. The incoherent rapture of my voice is foreign to my ears as I meet the most absolute unfathomable orgasm I've ever had. "Fuck, yeah!" he grits, yanking me up flush against his chest. "Now you're really ready to take me."

What? I thought I was...

He kisses me harshly before pulling out and flipping me on all fours. "That ass. That fucking ass has been taunting me, Jane." I've barely registered what has happened before he thrusts in from behind. My body shoots forward from the force, only to be caught in a rough hold around the front of my throat from his left hand. "Ass up."

My senses are a tornado of cosmic measure, as my bottom tips to his command. Every single nerve-ending is alive and on fire as he rides me. His free hand trailing up my spine, leaving a flickering heat in its path. "Jesus, fuck, Jane. The things you do to..." He grunts as I smile when I feel his cock swell and throb. "Fuck!" He pulls me up like I'm a ragdoll, cradling my belly as his mouth finds my cheek. "Take my seed, only you." With that, he rams me once, twice, three times before he stills with his heart hammering so hard against my back that I lazily smile. "Fuck." He nips at my cheek with a sated sigh.

Falling back to his shines, I sit on his lap, still firmly anchored to his cock as it pulses wildly inside me. We sit in solace for a long moment, catching our breath, sweat slowly melting away as my mouth unhurriedly searches for his. He gladly takes it, cradling my face and neck so gently as we kiss for some time. He pulls away when we're breathless again, placing a soft, lingering kiss on my forehead and then on my bandage.

"Why didn't you mark me?" I whisper as he tries to tame my matted hair. I can just imagine how horrible I look. He pauses before continuing to unbraid the tangles. With reality back in place, the music soothingly fills the space as we continue to sit with him buried deep inside me. He's still hard, and I know that mating is a process from learning about shifters. It's not like human males. They commonly climax, pull out and slap their pants back on, calling it a day.

With male shifters, they knot – attaching to the walls of the female—shifter-female in a show of love and admiration—which is not generally extended toward humans. However, I have also heard shifters typically use condoms when dabbling within our species or to stop the knotting process, usually leading to their procreation. However, Silas didn't pull out—knowing we will never produce a child together. It's implausible irrespective of being fated mates.

"I can't mark you, little one," he answers after a long moment. The feeling of not being good enough floods my insides before I feel the press of his lips to my nape. "No, that is not why. It's the opposite." I turn to look over my shoulder. His eyes shine with their blue undertones once again as he reaches up to pull a lock of my free dark hair off my forehead. His gaze follows his action as he tucks it behind my ear. "If I mark you, many things will change... for you."

"Like what?" I question with furrowed brows as he slowly kisses my swollen lips. Moaning, I smile before pulling back. He chuckles, knowing he's trying to distract me. "Silas, tell me. If it's the fact I'm surrounded by danger, I can always hide it." Uncertainty wanders over my face as he nods.

"That's part of it, Jane. We need to be incredibly careful. I've told you this." He quietly reiterates as I agree with a nod but still feel slightly incompetent despite knowing he's right.

"It's more to do with not knowing what would happen, seeing that you are human and I am already a crossbreed." My brows furrow further. "Knotting you is not something that typically happens, Jane. The shifter part of us can sense a compatible match. We typically reject humans—meaning the urge to knot never comes when we ejaculate. But with you," he smiles, "well, here we are."

Jane |18+| ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz