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Before you read my story can you please comment right here and private message me, i want to know that people are really reading this and i am not alone. If you have any feedback, comments, you just want to say something or you have a poem, quote or song that you think i should put on here then please message me either on here, private message or add me on snapchat My snap is, shayla burkey, i have 2 accounts my other one is shayla_VDL . 

Please tell me im not alone. 

I feel great

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I feel great. I'm passing my classes and I am happy. but there is a lot of unknown about me. so let me tell you. I am SUPER insecure about myself. my body is gross. I hate my smile, my legs, arms, body, and personality. last year I almost committed suicide three times. Personally, I feel like I am doing way better, but my scars are still on my arms and legs. another thing I'm insecure about is my stretch marks. I have them on my hips, I hate them so much.

I don't keep secrets, but if nobody asks then I won't tell. I am always honest with people. some questions I choose not to answer and I think that's okay. I've had a few people ask about my stories and why I wrote them. So here it is. The girl with depression, the girl who left her guard up, and the girl who was friends with everybody. Those stories were my thoughts of what would happen if I went through with it. The scenarios of those stories played over and over in my head. So, there's that. So more insecurities are when people stare. I hate it. Also, when people compliment me also. Another thing about me is I get scared easily. I get paranoid fast. I feel like when I let people in, they are going to use me, even when I know they won't. My parents were abusive,i was sexually assualted multiple times, im in foster care and never went to school until year 7 and im in year 9 now.

So there is me.

My insecurities.

My past.

if you want to know anything feel free to ask xx

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