Chapter 31

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Flashback ends

There was long silence in the room which was made from shock , disbelief and pain ,

Massimo could not believe what he just heard ,
The story of Katherine and Veronica was beyond his mind , he kept on wondering that how Veronica gathered the courage to kill her own sister ,

He gathered his courage and asked , " what about Jessica? ", " did she recover?",

" yes ",
Veronica replied ,

" luckily the bullet just passed through the surface of her skin ",

Massimo again asked , " how did your families react to this incident? ",

" they knew exactly what happened as they saw everything through the camera installed in the living room at Katherine's house ",

" and what about  Johnathan and you ? , I mean he had no fault in all this ", he said ,

Veronica turned with surprise ,
" he had no fault in all this ??!, he was the main reason that I had to kill my own sister, he was the reason that Jessica got hurt , he could have said no when our families decided his and Katherine's engagement but he kept quite and one thing led to another ",

" he was not worthy of being a lover , husband and especially a father ",
" he didn't deserve Jessica , so I did what was right ",

Massimo clinched his eyes in confusion,

" I took the legal guardianship of Jessica and forbad Johnathan completely to meet her ",
" I didn't want that toxic man to be around my little angel ",

" like you are so pure and pious ", Massimo thought to himself,

Massimo was thinking that this lady never fails to shock him , her entitlement, her narcissism, her ruthlessness but also her genuine love for her family baffles him , Johnathan was not innocent but he didn't do a massive fuck yo that made him forbidden to see his own daughter , even Veronica stayed quite this whole time , she did a mistake as well but would she accept that ?

Not at all , but Massimo would definitely tell her that she is wrong this time ,

Massimo licked his lips and encircled his arms around Veronica's waist ,

" I am sorry baby , you are right with your decision ",

He can't risk his plan just to satisfy his ego ,

He kissed on his forehead and told her to take a nap , but she first wanted to get a hot shower to relax her muscles ,

When she left the room Massimo smirked ,

He now knows what to do against Veronica which will destroy her ,

After a few hours ,

Massimo was in his reading room when he got a call from Johnathan,

He picked up the call , " hello ",

" did it work ? ",

" yes , I think she has started to get more vulnerable, I mean she was about to cry today but controlled herself, I think we are going in a good direction, ",

He added ," by the way , don't you love your daughter ?",

" excuse me ? ", Johnathan got offended,

" I mean you how can you let Veronica have your only child ? , you should have fought harder ",

Johnathan chuckled , " you think it's easy to fight Veronica ? " , he laughed,

" when she wants anything , she can go to any extent to get it , she would have been ready to kill me and my family if she had to that point of time , she went completely crazy then ",

" that time even her father got involved into the mess and that lead to the fall of of his friendship with me father , but she was decent enough to let my parents meet her occasionally ",

" anyway, I have a favour to ask from you ", Johnathan said ,

" what ?",

" I want to meet my daughter, can you—-? ",

Massimo smirked , " why not "

" thanks man ",

Massimo said bye to him and deleted his call from the call history,
He kept his smirk because everything is going according to his likings , he just gaslighted and manipulated Johnathan so that he can use his daughter against Veronica ,

He called Adam and made him do all the preparation for the big surprise,

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