Finding Out

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5 months later.

"Ma'am are you OK?" a woman asked and Olivia kept walking.

"Do you need help?" a man asked.

"Hey lady!" another man yelled. Olivia kept walking until she reached the precinct. She stumbled onto the elevator and people stared at her worriedly.

Elliot got a coffee and walked back to his desk. The elevator opened and Olivia stumbled towards him. She was out of it and covered in blood. "OLIVIA!" he exclaimed running to her.

"I... I killed him" she said before collapsing.


Elliot couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not all of the blood was Olivia's. He knew now that she had been serious. He left the hospital and got to her apartment asap. Sure enough there was Brian lying on the floor. There was a bloody knife beside his motionless body. What had Liv gotten herself into?....

Not long but oh well :P hope you enjoyed. Comment and lemme know!!!

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