"So Steve's your brother." Said Max as her and Marlow picked up a piece of tin and lent it against the bus

"Yeah." Said Marley looking over at him as he banged a wooden chair on the car where Dustin and Lucas were

"Hey! Dickheads! How come the only two helping me out is my sister and this random girl." Questioned Steve "we lose light in 40 minutes. Let's go," he said walking off "let's go, I said." Steve added louder, Lucas and Dustin tan after him.

"Alright, asshole, god! Dustin mumbled under his breath

"Ok stupid." added Lucas

Steve poured the gasoline from the pile of meat all the way over to the bus while Marley and Max lifted a ladder on to the bus, standing it up in the hole in the roof. They spent the last 40 minutes of light putting tin on the window and moving old barrels.

Nighttime soon fell, Lucas was up the ladder keeping an eye out for dart, Steve was flicking his lighter on and off and Max was talking to Steve and Marlow

"So you really fought one of these things before?" Asked Max, Steve looked at Max and nodded and flicked the lighter again "and you're, like, totally 100% sure I wasn't a bear?"

"Shit, don't be an idiot, ok, it wasn't a bear." Said Dustin appearing behind Max "why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home." Said Dustin walking back to the end of the bus.

"Geesh, someone's cranky, past your bedtime?" Asked max standing up and climbing the ladder.

"That's good. Just show her you don't care." Said Steve turning to Dustin

"I don't." Said Dustin as Steve winked at him
"Why are you winking Steve, stop." The three of them sat in silence for a bit when there was a loud growling. Steve shot up and peered out the window.

"You see him?" Asked Steve as Marleys head appeared next to his

"No." She said

"Lucas what's going on?" Called Steve not taking his eyes of the window.

"Hold on!" Lucas called back "I've got eyes!" He suddenly called "10 o'clock, 10 o'clock!"

"There." Steve said quietly pointing at dart

"What's he doing?" Asked Dustin

"I don't know." Said Steve "he's not taking the bait, why is he not taking the bait." Steve added sounding worried

"Maybe he's not hungry?" Suggested Dustin

"Maybe he's sick of cow?" Added Marley
Steve stood up and started walking to the door
"Steve?" Asked Marlow

"Steve, what are you doing!" Asked Dustin

"Steve!" Called Marley panic in her voice

"Just get ready." He said throwing Dustin the lighter. Marlow and Dustin watched as Steve quietly walked out holding the bat in his hands. Marley watched him threw the window she heard him whistle and call out to dart.

"Come on, buddy."

"What's he doing?" Asked Max climbing down the ladder

"Expanding the menu." Said Dustin as max peered put the window next to Marlow

"Come on, buddy." Steve called out again "come on dinner time." He added "human taste better than cat, I promise."called Steve edging closer to the pile of meat.

"He's insane." Said Max shaking her head

"He's awesome!" Exclaimed Dustin looking at Marley as Steve swung the bat back and Forth gently as he came closer to dart, suddenly Lucas could be heard yelling

"Steve, watch out!"

"A little busy here." Said Steve ignoring Lucas

"Three o'clock, three o'clock!" Yelled Lucas, Steve glance over his shoulder and saw another demogorgon climbing on top of a car.

"Steve!" Yelled Marlow running to the door, Dustin took after her.

"Steve, abort, abort!" Ordered Dustin yelling as he appeared behind Marley. Steve tuned back towards the other demogorgon. It lunged at him and Steve jumped away rolling over a car. He landed on his feet, the demogorgon lunged at him again, Steve swung the bat at him and he went flying.

"Steve, run" Marley half screamed

"Steve, hurry!" Yelled Lucas

"Steve, run!" Marley yelled again, tears streaming down her face, Steve took of running and jumped in to the bus, Dustin shut door just as the two demogorgons lunged at it.

"Shit!" yelled Dustin as they all fell against the wall

"Are the rabid or something?" Asked Max as Steve pulled and sheet of tin of the front window and put it up against the door

"They can't get in, they can't!" Yelled Lucas they all screamed as the bus rocked suddenly a claw appeared threw the door

"Shit!" Marley yelled as the all ran to the back of the bus

"Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God! Anyone!" Dustin yelled in to the walkie there was another loud bang as the bus shock.

"Shit!" They all yelled

"We're at the old junk yard, and we are going to die!" Dustin yelled in to the walkie again. There was more loud banging as the roof started shaking, max peered up and the demogorgons face appears through the hole were the ladder was. Max screamed as Steve pushed her out the way.

"Get out of the way! Put the way!" Steve said climbing up the first few ladder steps "you want some? Come get this." Steve yelled holding up the bat. It began growling when something caught it's attention.He jumped of the bus, they all stood there for a bit waiting, finally Steve opens the door and peered outside

"Jeez." Steve exclaimed letting out a sigh, low growling could be heard in the distance but soon nothing could be heard.

"What happened?" asked Lucas

"I don't know." Said Marley wiping a few tears from her eyes

"Steve scared them off." Exclaimed Dustin

"No." Said Steve putting a arm around Marley giving her a hug "no way, there going somewhere."

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