Chapter 4:Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"We should head back up to command, they've probably made contact with General Tiin by now." I remind her as she halts by my side once more. She agrees and we make our way back to the control hub of the ship. Admiral Pry stands with a hologram of the iktotchi general ready and waiting. General Sorna steps forward and dips her head respectfully.

"I apologize for the delay Master Tiin, there was trouble in the hanger but we've cleared it up. What is the condition of your ships?" She begins the debriefing. I stand at attention next to her, Pry on the other side.

"I lost one destroyer and the other two are heavily damaged. However, they might have been completely destroyed if it weren't for your relief and strategy Knight Sorna. So I do thank you for that." General Tiin reports. Great, he's thanking her when it was one of us that actually had the idea. I prepare myself to control my expressions as General Sorna receives the compliment. But to my suprise, she responds with,

"Actually, your thanks belongs to one of my soldiers. He came up with the winning strategy, I simply helped execute it. If it weren't for my men neither of us would have made it through." I couldn't help but stare at her in suprise. She's actually crediting us? And to another jedi no less. You would think she wants to impress him for her first time as a General. But no, she's not taking the glory.

General Tiin raises a brow. "Well then, my thanks to him. My ground forces are not in need of assistance so my prediction is that you will be resigned shortly, exspect orders from the council soon. Now I must attend to my battalion and ships. But I will report to the Council of this success. You have done well, Knight Sorna." The General opened her mouth to protest against the non-inclusive congratulations but he cuts the call before she can. She huffed, relaxing from her previous stand of attention and turning around to us.

"I'd like to speak to you both before I head to the medical bay to check on the injuried." She stated. I straighten my back more if possible and nod respectfully.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you two didn't like my original plan and yet you still went along with it, why?" She interrogates. What? How did she know? I stand stock still for a moment. Not quite knowing how to respond to that. Luckily I don't have to. Pry speaks up before I can.

"Well, yes. Me and Lupo knew that if the enemy's ship scanners were still operational, they would have seen us coming. But it was a gamble either way. If their ships were damaged enough the direct approach would have worked with less casualties."

"But there still would have been more deaths then if we had started with another strategy entirely?" General Sorna pressed.

"....yes, ma'am. Ross' idea was much more ideal." Pry finally admitted.

"I agree, sir. His way was significantly faster and safer for our pilots." I spoke up with slight apprehension.

The General sighed and looked down for a moment. Again a hint of emotion flashed in her eyes and this time it lingered for several seconds before she answered us.

"I... apologize for not being able to come of with a successful battle plan. When I sensed both of your hesitation I should have confronted you." Wait, she can sense that? "However, I will ask one thing of you: Don't ever hold your tongue with me. I am your General, but I am not flawless. Both of you were trained to be military leaders, I was not. So if ever I give you an order you think is wrong, speak up. That goes for every soldier and officer here. I would much rather you disagree with me and be alive then go through with a bad decision and die." She raised her serious tone at the end, making a few of the officers on deck raise their heads and regard us with curious expressions.

I was completely caught off guard by this. Not only was a jedi apologizing but also saying we could speak freely? Why? That was the most emotion I've seen General Sorna use since meeting her. And added to all the other noble acts she's done today, she's turning out to be an ok jedi general already. Don't get ahead of yourself, she  might not always be so just. I look to my left to see Pry with expression of suprise, and realize we've both been standing here for an awkward amount of time.

"Thank you, General. I will keep that in mind and be more vocal in the future." I spurt. Pry echos my statement.

"Good. I understand that I am intimidating. But despite my appearence, I don't bite.....that often." She smirks, a dangerous glint in her jet black eyes that makes me wonder if she's telling the truth or if she will actually bite us. "I'm heading to the medbay. Unless there is something else I'm to do here?" Her brow raises in question.

"No ma'am, we can take care if the rest." Pry states and I agree. General Sorna takes her leave and me and the Admiral get to work setting up the troops and cataloging repairs and replacements needed. We occasionally share comments on what just transpired. The General has given me a lot to think about. But so far, I suppose she is a suitable fit for our battalion. And though I am still skeptical, she might turn out to be a good general for us after all.

Athor's note:

I'm alive! And back in action! I feel so relieved at being able to write again and actually writing well instead of whatever dumpster fire that was last chapter haha. Also, I didn't know Master  Saesee Tiin's last name was Tiin. I thought Saesee was his last name, so sorry for the inaccuracy on my last chapter! Quailius does not call him by his first name nor does anyone else that was a fluke in the writing. But first chapter of 2023 let's gooo.

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