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that's how all of you feel, then I've made my decision."

All eyes were focused on Kagome as she spoke, practically demanding that she choose one or another. She had to admit, this was one of the hardest choices she'd ever made and that included her time in the Feudal Era. Closing her eyes, she walked from her spot in the middle of the room to stand behind a couch. Thanks to her heightened senses, she didn't even have to open her eyes as her hands reached out to take the ones she sought.

"My grooms shall be Shu and Subaru," Kagome said confidently as she opened her eyes and looked around the room, first at the two she had accepted and then at the four she'd rejected. Subaru appeared absolutely floored, he obviously hadn't expected to be chosen and his mind was still trying to catch up to the situation. Shu didn't seem as surprised, but there was a soft smile on his lips, letting her know that he really was happy.

The others were not so happy with her decision, not that she expected them to be. Kanato and Ayato had started yelling and demanding that she choose one of them. Laito was glaring dangerously at the three of them, as though trying to decide who to kill first. Reiji, although silent, appeared absolutely furious. His brothers grew louder as the whole situation threatened to get out of control until Reiji raised his voice, yelling for the first time that Kagome had seen.

When the others had gone silent, he turned to glare at her. "Explain yourself," he demanded.

"You told me to choose, and I have," Kagome stated, knowing that her answer would annoy the dark haired vampire.

"I instructed you to choose a single groom. You dare to try my patience?" Reiji growled as his eyes glowed red with anger.

Trying to act nonchalant even as her hands squeezed Shu's and Subaru's for support, she shrugged at him. "Your opinion has little to do in this matter. As a vampire and a youkai, I'm looking at this from a survival standpoint. With two grooms instead of one, my children and I will have twice the protection and support. And they've already said that they were fine with sharing me, so I don't see what the problem is."

"Yours Truly shouldn't have to share, you should be mine!" Ayato growled as he stood from his seat next to Laito, whose face was shadowed by his hat.

She shook her head. "I understand, but that's not in the cards."

When Laito stood, Kagome wasn't sure what to expect since she still couldn't see his eyes. As he stepped towards the three of them, she noticed the glint of his fangs as he smirked at her before he tipped back his hat. "If that's the way it's going to be, Miko-chan, then I'll be joining you."

Surprised by his declaration, she didn't know or even have a chance to respond before Ayato grabbed his brother's shoulder and forced him to turn around. "How the hell can you agree to that?"

Laito smirked as he turned his head and winked at Kagome. "It's a numbers game. Either I agree to share and get her to myself some days, or I act stubborn and I don't get her at all. And I will have her. Won't I, Miko-chan?"

Not missing the suggestive look he gave her, she giggled and nodded. "That's the deal. I make time for all my grooms and they'll all have equal access to my blood, but they're not allowed to keep me from my other grooms if I want to go."

A chuckle rumbled in his chest as Laito stepped away from his brother to wrap himself around Kagome, although she kept hold of Shu and Subaru's hands. His warm breath tickled the skin of her neck before his tongue snaked out to trace her vein. "Then, I'll just make sure you want to spend all your time with me."

Kagome giggled again, half because of the way Laito tickled her skin and half because of the look on Ayato's face. The other redhead seemed absolutely livid that he might not get her anymore. She knew that he was better at sharing than Kanato or Reiji, but he was probably the most prideful since he always had to prove that he was the best in the family. She was tempted to provoke him into joining the four of them but held back. Their choices had already been laid out, and the final decision had to be left to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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