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Kagome stared up at the ominous looking building which was supposed to be her new school. She'd had no choice but to transfer since this was the only place in the area that offered night classes. She would have preferred to stay at her old school with her friends, but she had to run the shrine on her own now during the day…

No, don't think about that right now. You can't start your first day at a new school crying!

Giving her head a shake, Kagome straightened her spine and entered the building. This was her only option any more. She had lost everything and she wasn't about to loose her home or give up on her education. She had survived countless demon attacks, having pieces of her soul stolen, and her heart broken more times than she could count; she could survive a new high school.

At least, that was what she thought until she was walking down the halls and felt the presence of multiple powerful auras. It gave her pause and she couldn't help but look over her shoulder to see if she would be able to put faces with those auras, but she was alone.

Continuing on, Kagome took care of her remaining paperwork in the office before being escorted to her first class. As soon as the door opened, there was a pins-and-needles sensation across her skin and she did her best to hide her discomfort. Looking up, she saw that the classroom was mostly empty, save for about ten students.

Three of those students possessed those powerful auras she'd been feeling and they were staring at her. Well, two of them were staring at her and the third boy with messy gold-blonde hair seemed like he was paying more attention to the music playing in his earbuds. One of the other two was a boy with shoulder length red hair, feline green eyes, and wearing a fedora. He was looking her over with curiosity. The other boy automatically reminded her of Lord Sesshomaru. Not in looks since this boy wore glasses over his ruby eyes and his dark hair hardly reached the collar of his shirt; but in the way he presented himself, as if he saw everyone as beneath him and commanded respect.

She wasn't really sure what to make of the auras they possessed. It was different from humans and hanyous, similar to demons but not really the same. She could tell that they were not as they appeared… But she just couldn't figure out what they were.

All these thoughts ran through her mind within half a second before she looked to the teacher and went through the motions of introducing herself to the class. Because there were so many open seats, the teacher told her to sit wherever she liked. But the seat she would have preferred didn't exist. All three of those boys were sitting in the back row of the classroom and although there were open seats between them she would not sit there. Kagome easily recognized them as predators and would not set herself up for such easy attacks. Instead, she sat at the corner desk near the front of the room closest to the exit. If she had to have them at her back, she would at least position herself so that she could make a quick escape with no obstacles in her way.

It became obvious as the night progressed that her position in the classroom didn't matter. She could feel their eyes on her back the whole time and was doing everything she could to not make it obvious that she could sense them. She was also fighting off her own powers at the same time. Her instincts recognized them as threats and wanted to let off a burst of purification power to ward them off. But she wouldn't do that. Not only was she in class with humans, but it would show that she was different and that might serve to peak their curiosity of her even more.

When the teacher finally dismissed them for the night, Kagome had to coach herself to take her time gathering her things rather than snatching everything up and sprinting out the door. She knew all too well that running would only tempt the predators to hunt and then she would be their prey. Luckily, they didn't seem interested in following her today.

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