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When Kagome woke up the next night, she decided that it was time to explore the manor that she now called her home. She dressed in a pair of comfortable slacks and a button up shirt before putting on a pair of house slippers and leaving her room.

Though it was late in the day, it was early for her new housemates so she doubted that she would come across anyone for a while. First thing, she followed the hallway down to the room of the brothers' former bride. She saw that a new white rose had replaced the other one and bowed her head to give a prayer to the girl that had given her life to protect the brothers. I wish I'd had the chance to meet you. Even if Subaru said you were weak and scared all the time, I have a feeling that you must have been brave too if you were able to live among them for an extended period of time.

She then made her way down to the kitchen to grab something to snack on while she explored. To her surprise, there were fresh peaches sitting in a bowl on the counter so she helped herself to one before continuing around the manor.

Many of the rooms appeared unused and forgotten while others seemed close to lived in. Other doors were locked and allowed no exploration. She eventually found a door that lead to a large garden and couldn't help but smile. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the garden was very well kept with multiple rose bushes and well placed paths.

She also found a small herb garden and couldn't help but kneel down to see what was growing. Kagome was easily able to identify all the herbs that were growing and was pleased to see that it had everything she needed to make the herbal remedy to replenish her blood and stay healthy. She was tempted to pick some so she could get started making it, but held back since the garden probably belonged to someone else.

It was a while before she went back inside. When she did, Kagome easily sensed that the others were beginning to stir and would be seeking her out. Deciding to go about her own business, she went back to the kitchen so she could bake some cookies. She had a craving for snickerdoodle cookies that could not be ignored and wanted to share them.

To her surprise, the brothers left her alone for a long time before Kanato appeared beside her in the kitchen. And he only appeared after she had pulled the first batch of cookies out of the oven and was eyeing them hungrily.

"Are those for me?" He asked, staring at the cookies.

"They're for everyone, but you can have the first one as soon as they're cool enough to eat," Kagome told him as she put the next pan full into the oven and set the timer before turning to prep the next batch. When she looked at the violet haired vampire again, she wasn't surprised to see that there were crumbs at the corners of his mouth and two cookies were already missing from the pan.

"These are terrible," he told her in a deadpan voice.

She was tempted to laugh at his boldfaced lie but held back. She knew that he must have liked them or else he wouldn't have been reaching for a third cookie. Instead, Kagome shrugged before picking up the pan and walking towards the garbage can.

"If that's the case, I'll throw these out so you won't feel obligated to eat them."

It didn't surprise her when the pan disappeared from her hands and ended up on the other side of the room in Kanato's possessive grip. "I will eat them."

"Are you sure? You did say that they were terrible."

"Don't patronize me!" He yelled at her before throwing the empty pan in her direction.

Dodging it easily, she couldn't help but be a little scared. Of all the brothers, she'd noticed that even though Subaru had a violent temper, Kanato's temper was more unpredictable and it set her on edge the most. When he growled at her, baring his fangs, Kagome was tempted to show submission to keep from getting hurt. But Kanato was the one that she refused to submit to since he would most likely rip her throat out if she did because of his lack of control.

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