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The six vampires could only stare, recognizing the garnet eyes of their previous bride. Ayato seemed to be in a state of shock as he eased her feet to the ground so she could stand on her own two feet... well, Kagome's feet. Her eyes kept switching from one brother to another, as though she wanted to assure herself that all of them were unharmed.

Then she turned back to Ayato with a watery smile and tears brimming her eyes. "You're all okay, I'm so glad."

"Explain," Reiji demanded, though his tone wasn't as harsh as he would normally speak to her.

As she turned to look at the dark haired vampire, her lower lip trembled. "It's my fault. I wanted to see all of you again, to make sure that you were safe. Cordelia was still in my body and used that want to remain in this world and keep me from moving on. I'm sorry."

There was quiet for a moment before Laito started laughing. "You really are an idiot, Bitch-chan. You shouldn't care about us at all. We never even wanted to see you again." Yui gasped as she stared at the red headed vampire with tears spilling down her cheeks. She was even more surprised when he winked at her. "After all, you believed in God, going to heaven, and all that useless shit. Although I have started second guessing non-existent gods since meeting Miko-chan. I expected you to go up with all those boring goody-goodies and we'd never see you again."

"She's ours, she's not allowed to go anywhere without our permission." Kanato stated as he stepped forward, staring directly into her eyes. "I should punish you for breaking the rules."

"That's enough!" Subaru yelled at his brothers as he pulled her body into his arms and pressed his nose to her skin. She doesn't smell right. She's not quite Kagome and not completely Yui. "You really are an idiot, killing yourself for no reason."

Pushing herself out of Subaru's arms, she turned on him with an angry glare. Although, even in Kagome's body, the expression was more of a hissing kitten that just had its tail pulled. "No! I did it to protect all of you! None of you are to blame for what I did! And even though it didn't work out the best way-"

"You're too loud," Shu interrupted in a voice that was much more affectionate than she'd ever heard. "You're dead now, and I expect you to move on after this."

Looking over to Shu, she couldn't help but stare at him for a moment. Then she lifted her shaking hand to wipe away her tears before nodding. "I'll be gone after Kagome finishes with Cordelia. We were basically keeping each other here, and now that I know all of you will be okay with her to take care of you, I'm happy."

"What are you doing in Kagome's body anyway?" Ayato growled at her.

"She told me to do it," she explained as her hands fidgeted in front of her. "She told me that she was going to pull Cordelia back and that I should take over her body so she couldn't escape what Kagome's doing to her."

"Do you know what's happening in there?" Laito asked, seeming gleefully curious.

Yui shook her head. "I can't see anything, but I can sort of feel what's happening." Then she gave them a big smile. "Kagome's really giving it to her. She said that it's not for revenge, but to keep everyone safe, and I believe her. This way Cordelia won't be able to latch on to her like she did with me."


Shooting forward, Cordelia tried to take the human's head once more with her talons. She couldn't let the girl win! She'd gone through so much, had to deal with Richter's advances and betrayal, and she still hadn't achieved her goal. She refused to fail! Just as her talons were a hair's breath away from the human's throat, she blocked her hand with her palm and kicked out with her foot, connecting with her thigh and causing her to scream in agony.

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