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Kagome couldn't believe it. She was actually bored! She hadn't thought that would ever happen since she was now living with six vampires, but that's what was happening.

It had been three days since the incident with Laito and the brothers had all been keeping their distance from her. Not that she could really blame them. For the first day afterwards, any time one of them would approach her it would put her in a bad mood and her powers would flair without her permission. Reiji had told her to control herself and her powers had lashed out and burned him. She had apologized but he had snarled at her to stay clear of them until she had her powers under control again.

She had agreed and had them under control by the next night, but none of the brothers would come near her or even talk to her. It made her feel abandoned and angry again. Her anger had her looking for something to do since she refused to simply sit around waiting for them to come to her. She read some more of the books that Reiji had loaned to her, explored the grounds some more, baked some cookies, but nothing was able to keep her occupied for long.

On the third night, Kagome found herself sitting on the dock of a lake located deep in the grounds. It was a clear night and the lake was far away from the lights of civilization. Looking up at the sky as her feet swung back and forth, she took comfort in being able to see the stars clearly for the first time since she had left the Feudal Era behind.

She wondered briefly how Sango and Miroku were doing. She knew that Miroku's curse had been lifted and that Kohaku was alive, so there was nothing to hold the two of them back from being married. Did they have any children? Did Sango still slap the monk whenever he grabbed her butt?

What about Shippo? Was he doing okay without her? She had a feeling that Sango and Miroku would have taken him in since she wasn't there to take care of him. She hoped that he was safe, happy, and still practicing his fox magic so he could grow up to be a strong, honorable demon.

Speaking of honorable, Kagome chuckled to herself as her thoughts trailed to Sesshomaru. She doubted if her leaving had much of an effect on his existence, but she couldn't help but wonder if he was still kicking in her time. And what happened to Rin? Since Lord Fluffy had claimed her as his ward, Kagome was sure that the girl had been well cared for and protected, but did the girl grow up healthy? Perhaps she married when she got older?

That thought made her chuckle. She could just imagine what must have happened to the first man or demon that would have approached Sesshomaru to ask for her hand in marriage. She highly doubted if the first suitor, or any suitor, survived. Hell, I'll bet that the first guy probably pissed himself when he found out who her guardian is and then Sesshomaru would have killed him just for offending hisacutesense of smell with such an offending odor.

"What the hell are you laughing about?"

Kagome jumped slightly at the voice. She'd been so invested in her own thoughts that she hadn't even realized that Ayato was approaching her. He had an annoyed look on his face, but it seemed a little more intense than usual.

"Just thinking about my past and what can never be," she said absently before looking back up to the sky.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" He snapped at her, reaching down to grab her arm and pull her to her feet.

"Not a pleasant feeling, is it!" She yelled back before wrenching arm from his grasp. "And what's with you guys? You went on and on last week about how you want me to be yours and then you practically abandon me? Are all of you bipolar or something?"

"You really are an idiot!" He moved so fast that she wasn't able to track his aura. It was like she blinked and found herself pinned against a tree by her throat. "We can tell that you're close to you Awakening and Yours Truly refuses to let you die like Yui. We have to be careful this time or you will die!"

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