Chapter 10 : A happy ending?

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I slipped carefully, with all that noise anyone couldn't hear me. I went up to the roof and I didn't have difficult to find the cart a few meters from me. When I was close to the cart... Puss wasn't there.
I jumped to the prison's roof to find a place to go in. After a little search, I found hole to enter, so I did it, and I arrived to the office. I saw his stuff, before I took them I ensured that there weren't soldiers.

The environment helped me, the place was dark and I could hide easily, but I couldn't trust, I entered to the prison with caution.

Few minutes later with no complication with the soldiers, I couldn't find Puss's cell. Where is he?

My answer arrived immediately, I heard Puss' meows, and those were very annoying for humans. I couldn't help to laugh inside. I could heard a soldier complaining.

- Shut up! - The soldier shouted Puss.

I closed quickly and I hid behind a wall. Puss didn't stop and meowed loudly.


I could see from my hiding place that the soldier went to Puss's cell, that was a few steps from me.

- Shhhh! - The soldier tried to silence him. I didn't know what happen when a second later the soldier was hypnotized, then he opened the door and he dropped the gun. Then he reacted.

- No...Diablo Gato! - He shouted Puss splashing him water with a sprayer. I closed on the stealthily, it was incredible that he didn't notice that I climbed to his back. - Nice try - He said to Puss.

I took advantage of the situation and with the help of my paws I knocked out the guard. I pulled him as I could a few meters and then I threw his stuff. I waited he pokes.

- I hope you can forgive me - I said him sorry and honestly.

- Apology accepted! - An old man said happily and he ran away.

- I don't really have time for you - Puss said upset jumping on his boots - I have to save the town from the Great Terror! - He added taking away from me his sword from my hand and going away.

- Wait, Puss! - I said him, I stopped him putting a hand in his arm and I stayed in front of him.

- Don't you see? I'm here because... - I hesitated a little for the thing I had to say - I am here because you made me realize that there is something I care about more than gold.

He looked at me in a seductive way.

- Something? - He said imp.

- OK. Someone - I said him in the same way - He's about two feet tall, wears high heels.

- Handsome? - He asked with the same tone. Here began our flirtation war

- He's very handsome - I answered him in the same way again.

- A real beefcake? - He asked doing a pose.

I assented.

- A stallion?


- Tiger? - He asked.

- Oh, brother - I said rolling my eyes and he started to laugh.

- But this doesn't make us even - He said arguing me. In that moment a spear arrived interposing between us.

- Freeze - a guard shouted.

- Yes,it does - I said him like it was the most obvious thing, ignoring the guard.

- No,no,no it doesn't - He said me, putting out his claws provoking the guard's pants fell down.

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