Chapter 4: A little action

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When I woke up we had already arrived, I got up and I stretched my body, then I went out from the cart.
We were in a place surrounded by giant canyons, it was a beautiful view and it was hot.

- You woke up at time, I was going to wake up you, take it - Humpty said, giving me a bread with fish.

- Em thank you - I said to him.

- I think in a hour they'll be here, we climb up and we'll wait there - he explained me.

I noticed that Puss wasn't here, I saw him when I turned back, he was supported against the wall. He didn't still want to speak to him.

Something I had clear was that the lost trust is one of the most difficult thing to recuperate, even impossible. How it happened to me, I don't trust in humans...even they were noble...

After lunch, I went to look for my mask and we climbed the hill that would guide us to the canyon's top, where we'll wait them.

Puss and I went behind a rock, where the high was considerable, it was a road between the canyons. It wasn't a bad place for steal, it was ideal, but dangerous.
In that moment, Humpty gave the signal from a place further and higher than us. From the horizon we could see the cart closing.

I adjusted my mask while Puss took a look.

- Humpty's plan better work - Puss said to me.

- Listen, you just need to worry about your part. Don't screw it up - I warned him, when I finished to put my mask, I noticed he was looking me rare.

- What? - I asked.

- Again with the mask? - he asked me doubtful.

- I don't need style advice from Mr. Dusty Boots! - I said a little upset while I moved his hat with my paw, I got away taking impulse and I heard...

- Ha! - He exclaimed angry.

I jumped and fell softly in the cart with my four paws, I got up and made a signal to Puss. I turned to be sure. Suddenly something pushed me, until I noticed that Puss had a bad landing.

I told him that it had too much heel!.

After the mess we stayed near of the couple, each behind one, they were arguing.

- What's your problem? - I protested him whispering. Puss apologized with his hands.

- Ah? - Jill asked and both turned around a little, well until their necks let them.

We ducked for they didn't see us, when we didn't be in danger and turn around, where was a kind of window, I opened and in sight was the box with the beans in Jack's hand. I didn't think twice and I jumped, but Puss stopped me holding my feet.

- Hey, hey, hey! - he protested me cautiously.

- What? - I answered him a little altered.

- Look - he pointed with his face to down.

I looked I didn't notice that there were a little wild pigs


I continued hanging while Puss held me, I took of my knife and I tried to open the padlocks with this. Suddenly I heard Puss.

- You've got to hurry up - Puss pressed me psychologically.

- Shh.

- Why are you not using your claws? - He asked me like it was obvious.

- Would you please just shut up! I'm on it! - I said him upset.

- Just use your claws! - He demanded me.

-Be quiet.

- Your claws!

- I don't have any claws, all right?! - I shouted him angry and taking off my mask.

That provocated that one of the insect woke up taking the attention of the couple. Puss released me and I had to turn in the air to not fall obstreperously and I fell in silence, a pig was between my legs.

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