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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚 :


VISA COUNT: 7 DAYS ﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎﹏︎

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tw: niragi's dramatic ass

     IT APPEARED TO be the first time anyone besides the small group had considered the possibility. A random member of the Beach especially was bewildered and loudly questioned, "Momoka struck the knife into herself?"

     "Yes." Arisu nodded. "If I were the game master, I would come up with this idea."

     Aguni seemed to be against Arisu's problem-solving as he kicked him in the abdomen and to the floor. "What a joke." Aguni scoffed, "I'm the witch! You guys want to kill me, right?" He began to charge at random members, picking fights. All at once, everyone rushed in to try and stop him.

"Aguni! Stop!" Ayame shouted, trying to get out of the crowd, but the burly man didn't listen to her, continuing to provoke people.

     To break the chaos up, Asahi suddenly ran forward, into the middle of the circle. She shouted, "Listen up, everyone!" Everyone paused their fighting and looked at her, "I'm the dealer of this game."

     A laser shot down from the sky, sliding through her head and killing her within a blink.

     The dealer? Ayame didn't have the time to process what that meant, but the fighting in the room stopped right after. Instead, everyone looked at the second corpse with shock.

     "It was a reverse grip." A familiar voice announced. Turning to find the speaker, Ayame spotted Ann and Kuina, who was helping Ann walk, as Ann raised the missing knife from Momoka's body. "Fingerprints with a reverse grip were found on the knife. Momoka grabbed the knife herself and stabbed it through her own chest. She's the witch."

     "Why would she...kill herself for a game?"

     "Was Momoka really the game master?"

     "That girl also said she's the dealer. So, were we just being toyed with by them?"

     "But she's human, just like the rest of us. Ordinary humans..."

     "The two of them...They might have been controlled by someone else too."

     "Aguni." Arisu began to plead again, "Let's just stop this. Don't let the deaths of the innocents go to waste. I understand how it feels to kill your friends. But we shouldn't take out our frustration on those who are still alive! We are still alive! We're all facing despair head-on and fighting until the very end! Don't look down on those who are still alive!"

     "The fire is spreading!" A man shouted before Aguni could say anything. Ayame looked into the hotel where the fire licked viciously at the walls and rushed across the floors. "Run!" The man urged the people around him to begin to scream.

     The room quickly became overrun by chaos, but people were ordered to move the body to the Fire of Judgement. However, when they tried to reach down and grab it, they were shot with an automatic gun by an approaching figure coming from deeper within the hotel.

     Ayame crouched hearing the sound and looked in the direction of the shots. A torn-up but painfully familiar silhouette limped quickly towards the group. One hand holding a gun, and the other holding a lit torch. Niragi you asshole. She scowled at the man.

     The room quickly burst into chaos. Screaming, bodies falling, crying, the fire only grew. Those that tried to run out were shot down. Ayame huffed, feeling a wave of bravery she lifted her own pistol, shooting the wild man once in the side.

     Niragi whipped his arm towards her as he stumbled back from the hit, his finger on the trigger as he did so. It sprayed out bullets, most landing in front of her, but one bullet landed straight in her calf. She gasped at the sharp pain and grabbed at her leg.

     "You guys...I'll kill all of you!" Niragi cried out, aiming the gun at Ayame and pulling the trigger. Two bullets came towards her, but neither hit the expected target.

     Instead, they hit the body of the man who stepped in front of her.

     Ayame couldn't think, she could only watch in shock along with the other citizens of the Beach as Aguni rushed away from Ayame and towards Niragi, not stopping no matter how many bullets he was hit with. Aguni let out an angry shout as he speared Niragi, lifting him by his midsection and carrying him over his shoulder back into the fire.

     She barely saw both figures fall to the floor in the orange smoke. "Aguni!" Ayame shouted, quickly realizing what had happened. She scrambled to her feet, aiming to rush after him, into the fire, but a hand grabbed her forearm, yanking her back.

     "Stop! Ayame!" It was Arisu pulling her back, "You can't!"

     Ayame turned to him hastily, trying to pull her limb from him, "Let go, Arisu!"

    "Three minutes remaining." The announcement came over the speakers, and everyone around the pair scurried into action, but Arisu and Ayame stayed glued there, staring at each other as neither wanted to back down.

     "Let him go." Arisu pleaded, his other hand grasping her arm as well, "You have to let them go." Arisu's lip quivered, and she realized he was speaking about something else. His own friends, perhaps?

     "Fuck!" Ayame could feel tears poking at her eyes, and she tried her hardest not to let them out, "Fine!"

     As Momoka's body was carried out of the hotel, Arisu slowly began to pull Ayame out, the two pausing by Asahi's body. A dealer in the flesh. Ayame vividly thought before her thoughts muddled again. Her phone held a record icon. Arisu pocketed the device before continuing forward.

     The two made it outside just in time to see Momoka's body land atop the fire. Everyone around the Beach watched the fire with wide eyes, not believing the actions that had been completed during the night.

Her phone jingled and Ayame looked down at it, "Congratulations." The electronic greeted in a peppy robotic voice. Despite their win, the sight around her was anything but happy.

She looked down to her other hand, seeing Arisu still holding it. Despite her desire to rush into the fire and idiotically try to save Aguni, she knew she likely wouldn't have made it out. She was thankful for Arisu being there for her.

     Her lips tightened, and she went to say something, but before she could, Usagi was marching toward the guilty-looking militants and shouting, "They killed our comrades! I won't forgive them!" Usagi went to attack but Ayame reached forward, stopping her by holding her wrist.

To their left, one of the militants fell to his knees, pulling out his pistol and pointing it at his chin. But when he tried to pull the trigger, it didn't go off. He wasn't granted relief from his guilt, instead to be burdened by it until he died another time.

"That's okay." Ayame said to Usagi, "They won't forgive themselves either."



So many A names 😭

Posted: January 7, 2024
Words: 1171
Edited: ✘︎

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