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Moorti Rhee, or as others liked to call him, Moon, groaned tiredly as he sat up from his lying position on the grass. The group sat around a small fire just outside the prison that had yet to be cleared. Despite the smell of blood and rotting flesh, it was nice being able to just sit there.

Knowing there were fences surrounding them from the dead on either side made it easier to loosen up. Moon wondered if it would last. Nowhere ever lasted anymore. They got through the fence with no trouble, it wouldn't take a genius for someone else to do the same.

Moon ate his food slowly, looking around at everyone. The group was exhausted and it showed on their faces. The man glanced at his brother, Glenn was staring at his empty bowl with disappointed eyes.

Looking down at his own bowl, Moon figured he had eaten enough. He slid the rest of the meat over to his little brother. His burning stomach had settled, which made it easy for Moon to decide his brother needed it more. "No, it's yours. You need to eat." The mannered man denied it quietly, pushing the small bowl away.

"You're too skinny, Glenn. Please." Moon couldn't help but see the changes in his baby brother. Glenn's once glowing skin had become dull, his full cheeks were now hollow and his bright eyes had dimmed with exhaustion. Moon's chest ached with worry for the younger man.

Glenn sighed, picking out a small piece of meat from the bowl just to satisfy his persistent brother. "Thanks." Glenn ate the small bit of meat as slowly as he could, savoring it the way any starving man would. Moon turned to Maggie, doing the same thing he did with Glenn.

"You too." He nodded toward the food, waiting patiently. "You're not gonna let me say no, are you?" She asked knowingly, earning a small scoff from her boyfriend. "His head's too hard for that." Glenn couldn't remember the number of times his brother has given his rations away in the past nine months.

Each time there was always someone who denied it politely, and all those times Moon insisted. Maybe he just needed to feel like he was doing something helpful or maybe he genuinely felt he didn't need it as much as the next. Either way, Glenn knew his brother believed he was doing what was best. Maggie chuckled quietly, taking a piece of meat just as small as the one Glenn took.

When Moon looked at Lori the woman shook her head, already knowing he was gonna offer. "Don't even try that with me." Moon huffed at the woman's words. Knowing a fight with a pregnant woman wasn't one he would win, the man Instead gave the bowl to Carl who didn't deny it. He was hungry and Moon was offering.

Lori's gaze froze on Moon for a moment. She wondered how long it would be before he was with her husband. She, just like everyone else, knew both men felt something for one another. Even if no one said it out loud, it was obvious.

The woman felt no hatred towards either, she found peace with the thought. Her husband, the man she loved would be happy with or without her. Lori found comfort in the fact Rick would have someone. She's seen how much Rick has changed and she hoped Moon could bring him back. She knew it couldn't be her.

"Tomorrow we'll put all the bodies together. Want to keep them away from that water. Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water." T-dog broke his silence. The thought of finally having a home filled the man with a determination he hasn't felt since the dead learned to walk.

"And this soil is good. We can plant some seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans." Hershel inspected the dirt before looking up, his eyes latching onto the leader across the yard. "That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now." They watched as Rick walked along the fence surrounding the prison.

Moon's eyes followed the man for a long second. He could hardly see Rick's face but the shadow of his curly hair made the staring man smile. Moon had a strong urge to touch it, every time he saw Rick it was his first thought. Just a few months ago he allowed himself to indulge his impulse.

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