𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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I rounded the corner into the medical area and saw Neteyam sitting on a rock by himself. Just like his brother he held a similar sadness to him. "Hey" I said softly as I approached him. "Hey" he said with a small smile, standing from his position and walking over to me. As soon as we were close he wrapped his arms over my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his waist and hold him close to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he let go of me but still stood close to me. "I've always thought you would make the best warrior" he smiles slightly as he looks at me and I couldn't help but smile as-well. "But... I never really thought about how I could lose you" he said, his smile vanishing as he looks at me with a sad expression.

"You won't lose me, have you seen my skills" I jest but it doesn't lighten the mood at all. "I'm serious though, you could die" he sighs. "And so could you but we're living in a war and if we don't finish this now it's going to go on forever" i said nothing but the truth, there was no light way of saying, we needed to fight to stop it and then we can be at peace.

"God this is so annoying" he groans and lays down on the floor in annoyance. I couldn't help but smile slightly at him. "Right" he states, jumping up from the floor and grabbing my hand his sudden change in demeanour shocked me and made me laugh wildly. "If we are to die, I want to at least have danced with you" he said pulling me into a spacious area.

I couldn't stop smiling as he pulled me close to him. "This isn't traditional Na'vi dancing, I watched my dad teach my mum this" he said reassuring me. "Just follow my lead" he said as he laced one hand in mine and placed the other on my hip after moving my free hand onto his chest. I couldn't help but just look and admire him as he began to step side to side.

I was looking down at my feet trying to get the steps right when he let go of my waist and lifted face up to look at him. "Don't worry about your feet, just look at me" he said before placing his hand back on my waist and soon I didn't even need to think about moving my feet they just flowed. It was as if our bodies was one as we danced around the space.

Our eyes never left each others as he placed both hands on my waist and lifted me of the floor and slowly turning me around before setting me back on the floor. And in that moment all I wanted to do was kiss him. I lightly placed one of my hands on his cheek before closing the distance between us with a kiss.

Our lips touched for the first time and it was electric. He moved his mouth against mine in perfect sync and I could feel my body hum in response to his. I broke away from his lips, looking up at him I couldn't help but smile. The proximity never widened between us as we stood in silence just looking at each other.

"You're so beautiful" his voice barely above a whisper but I heard him as clear as day. And with that he kissed me once more, his hand going to the back of my head. This time it was more intense, more powerful then suddenly light filled the dark cave and we broke apart, confused at where the light came from. His eyes lit up, the reflection of glowing dots filled his eyes as he looked at me in wonder.

I looked down at my arms and the dotted patterns on my arms were glowing, more than they ever have before. The light emitting off me was almost as strong as a flame. "What is happening" I whisper out in amazement. "Neteyam" i gasp, a wild smile breaks out across his face. "You're incredible" he says as he examines over my body.

Nothing could explain what was going on right now, all I could think was how right it felt. How right it felt to be with Neteyam, to dance with him, to kiss him. Slowly the glowing dulled down but it was still brighter that the usual Na'vi.

"Dance with me again"

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

My eyes fluttered open as light flooded through the mountain. I felt a strong arm around my waist and a body against my back and I couldn't help but smile. We spent the whole night dancing until we couldn't anymore.

Aching Heart ☆ NeteyamWhere stories live. Discover now