𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢

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Pushing myself hard, I leap across to the tree in front of me and then to the next, my step never faltering as i run through my home. There was a connection I had to my surroundings, I could feel what they felt, I could breathe like they could as I ran between it's twisted trunks.

Trusting my feet to take me where I needed too, I hid in the trees above, not making a sound. I followed the woman that raised me as she tracked through the forest below me, bow raised by her side. She came to a halt, hiding her body behind a tall tree, preparing to kill her pray.

I watched as she breathed out, straightening out her torso and her shoulders before releasing her arrow straight into the animal. I could feel a slight pain in my abdomen when she struck the animal but it was soon over when she returned the spirit life to Eywa and the kill was complete.

I had spent all 15 years of my life since I could run, trying to fight. I wanted to learn the ways of the Na'vi, I wanted to fight and to be a warrior but no one would teach me. I was told from a young age that I was different, that I needed to be protected and not be a warrior.

This only brewed my determination to become what I want too. I've spent many years in the shadows, watching people train and kill and rehearsing it on my own. I believe I was skilled, if not more than the rest of my Na'vi, I was born to fight.

My thoughts consumed me and when I looked back down where Neytiri once was she was gone. I took this as an opportunity to practice. I grabbed my bow from the side of me and outstretching it in-front of me, finding my target, a spot in a tree 100 steps away from me.

"Forgive me Eywa for hurting your tree, I do it in hopes one day I can protect you and our home land"

I whisper to her before correcting my posture and releasing a slow breath, as I release the arrow. The feathered instrument soared through the air and hit the exact target i willed it too. A smile tugged at my lips as i ran after my arrow, admiring my shot. I yipped in excitement before carefully removing the weapon from the tree, gently placing my fingers over the hole it created.

Once I retrieved my arrow I continued to run through the tree tops, finding more targets and shooting, never missing a single one. I raised my purple tinged arm once more, as i aimed my bow at my final target; a tall tree covered with green spiralling plants that stood almost 300 steps in front of me.

My eyes fluttered closed as I took a deep breath, letting my body take the position I need it too. I set my sights on my target once more but as I went to release my arrow a large hand smoothed itself around my waist, pulling my back against their body. I would have been alarmed if I had not heard him earlier, sensed him admits the trees watching me.

"Neteyam" I whispered, the feel of his body against mine sent waves of fire under my purple skin. He did not make a sound, just held my side and watched, watched as i released my final arrow, soon after imbedding itself in the exact spot I wanted it too.

"Perfect shot" he said, no surprise in his tone. "No thanks to you" I said with a roll of my eyes as i turned to face him but I wasn't mad about it at all. I liked that he watched me, there was something so electric about it.

"So stalker, what are you doing here" i smirked,  as i turned on my heel and began to slowly walk towards my planted arrow. "Could ask you the same question warrior" he replied, mimicking my tone. "You know what I'm here for" I responded, sending him a look that says I know that he knows. He's known from a long time that I have been intensely training in secret from everyone.

"I was sent by my father to make sure you were okay" he said with a shrug of his shoulders as he brushed past me to walk ahead. "I don't need protecting" I gritted out, walking briskly past him and quicker towards my arrow, annoyance present within me. I didn't need special protection, I could do fine on my own and from no help from everyone else.

Neteyam quickly curled his five fingers around my forearm, stopping me in my place. "Trust me, I know you've got yourself handled" he said with a smirk, his eyes raking over my body and my face. My feeling for Neteyam were fierce and I'm sure he felt what I felt when we touched, the fire that builds up inside. I smirked at what he said, it was true, I didn't need protecting, everyone would need protection FROM me.

I pulled my arrow out the trunk of the tree, brushing my fingers over the wound before turning back to face Neteyam. "Also, we're taking a photo tonight" he said as we began to walk side by side back to our home. My ears picked up at the thought of a photograph as excitement coursed through me and Neteyam laughed at my reaction.

"We better get back quickly then" I jested, picking up my pace slightly. "Race you" I yelled as I began to sprint across the tree branches. "Cheater" I heard him yell from behind me causing me to laugh as I had the upper hand in this. Warmth spread through my body as my legs carried me at an unimaginable speed but I knew that Neteyam was faster than me, that just meant I had to play dirty. Let's just say I'm not a sucker for the rules.

He was besides me with a cocky grin on his face as he began to over take me. I eyed my surroundings and saw a large vine coming up to my side. When I approached it I wrapped my hands around the plant and swung to the next platform of the forest that we were heading too. I landed there a good 5 seconds before him and yipped triumphantly at his groans of annoyance.

"Stop cheating" he yelled from behind me as we neared our home land. "Think smarter not harder Neteyam" I laughed back as we were almost at our destination. I came to a halt at the end of the tree before launching myself off it and down onto the giant leaves below. Slowly gliding from each onto the other.

Unfortunately Neteyam was right behind me and as we were both on the leaves at the same time it could not handle both of our weight and we both ended up falling much less gracefully than intended. "Neteyam" I yelled in a fit of laughter as we both hit the ground, he took most of the force as I landed ontop of him.

We both could not hold in our laughter, I sat up but still remained on top of him. "Looks like I won" I smiled as he began to make excuses. "I came out on top" I responded in a literal sense as I was literally on top of him. He didn't say anything just smirked as his hands gripped onto my thighs and flipped me around so I was underneath him.

I was stunned at the quick movement and the fact that his body was pressed against mine. "Cheater" I yelled as I attempted to push him off me to which he grabbed my wrists with his hands, holding me in place so I couldn't move. "I'm thinking smarter not harder" he smirked at his winning position above me.

"You sure you're not thinking harder" I whispered in his ear as I looked down at his garment cloth that I could feel slightly poking into my thigh. I laughed slightly at the ordeal and he too broke out in a grin as he got off me and offered me his hand to help me up from the ground. I looked up at him for a second before getting myself up and not using his hand.

"Do you always have to refuse help?" He sighs as we begin to walk to the sully family. "You already know the answer to that" I laughed at his question. "You know you will still be an independent woman if you were to accept my hand" he said looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I didn't respond to his statement and we just continued to walk in comfortable silence.

"Hey Arelliya" Kiri greeted me from around the fire where the whole family sat, eating the kill from Neytiri. "Hey" I responded back to her and everyone else. "Join us" Jake beckoned me over to eat like Neteyam was. "I'm actually going to go and get ready for that photograph, it's not everyday that this happens" I smile and Lo'ak nods agreeingly. "Yeah me too, I've gotta look my best ya never know who will look at that photo" he said with a cocky tone. The whole family erupted in laughter as i walked over to my sheltered room to get ready, I could feel Neteyams eyes on me as I walked away so I added a little swing to my hips just for some harmless fun.

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