Harley Quinn - K.MJ x Reader

Start from the beginning

She always stared at me with those empty eyes

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She always stared at me with those empty eyes.

Our sessions never lasted long. She'd ask a question, I'd answer, then I'd ask a question in turn, i'd get no answer... and the session would end.

"Can you just please tell me how the hell you ended up murdering all those people?" The Doctor groaned at me as she laid her head on the cold table that separated us.

"It's been 2 months... please lets just get your evaluation over with," She continued on whinning.

"Fine." I said coldy.

Dr. Kim instantly lifted her head up with a slight smile curling up on her face.

"On one condition," I added.

The Doctor sighed again and said, "Fine."

"Answere the first question I ever asked you," I told The Doctor.

The Doctor tilted her head in confusion. She furrowed her eyebrows as she seemed to began to think.... maybe to try and recall what my question had been.

She looked adorable.

I had become quite fond of The Doctor at this point. She was persistent and stubborn. She always wanted things done her way.

It was sexy to watch.

Dr. Kim didn't seem to remember my question, so she just stared at me.

"My question was.... have you ever been in love?" I reminded her with a slight chuckle.

The Doctor leaned back on her chair and crossed her arms.

I leaned back on my chair and crossed my legs... waiting for her answer.

"Well of course I have," The Doctor coldly answered me.

"And you know how you'd do anything for the people you love?" I followed up.

Dr. Kim simply nodded her head.

"Well, I was in love with this girl. She was my ride or die.... my partner in crime... my Harley Quinn if you will," I began to explain.

"Until one day, she betrayed me. She slept with my right hand man," I continued on.

"Why not just find another Harley Quinn?" The Doctor interjected.

I ignored her question and continued on, "She ended up killing him once I found out about their affair. Then she tried to blame it on me.... called the cops... faked evidence. The whole nine yards."

"That's when you ran from the cops," The Doctor commented.

She was very calm and attentive. She nodded at my words and made me feel heard.

I nodded in response and kept talking, "We had promised that we'd burn the world to the ground if we were ever driven apart.... and so... that's what I did."

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