Maxie: *Walks up next to Amity, bows* Thank you, boys, so much. *Stands straight*

Healer 1: Of course. Also, *Bows to Amity* thank you, and you're human friend. *Stands up straight* We owe you ours and everyone on this ship's lives.

Healer 2: Yes, *Bows to Amity* thank you so much.

Amity: *Drops a nervous sweat* I-it's nothing.

She looks over to AJ and walks over to his bed, putting the torn shirt on the small table next to the bloody jacket.

Healer 2: We'll uh, *Points his thumb to the door* we'll let you have some alone time.

Maxie: Thank you.

The healers take their leave out of the room, shutting the door behind them. Maxie looks over to Amity, seeing the girl pull up a chair next to AJ and taking a seat.

Amity has a somber look in her eyes. She reaches her hand, grabbing her boyfriends hand, and genlty rubs her thumb on his fingers.

Amity: I'm sorry, pastelito...

Maxie's brows furrow a little for them. She walks over to the other side of the room and takes a seat in a spare chair. Shelldon chirps sadly, staring at AJ and startling Amity.

Amity: Shelldon?! *Sighs* Where did you come from?

Shelldon chirps, pointing towards AJ's bloody jacket with a noticeable lump in it. Amity gasps lightly, realizing that she left the journal in it. She quickly rummages through the jacket and pulls out the journal.

Amity: *Eyes widen in shock* Oh no...

The journal's cover and pages are soaked in AJ's blood. The book is ruined.

Cut to Luz and Eda riding Eda's owl staff through the air, along with Lilith on her raven staff right behind them. They are just sbout to pass The Knee as the sun in the distance was close to being fully set. Luz was patting Eda's back, hoping to get her mentor to go faster.

Luz: Come on, Eda! *Kicks her heel on the end of the staff like she was riding a horse* We need to go faster!

Eda: Stop with the patting and kicking! This is as fast as Owlbert can go.

Lilith: Did Amity say anything about his condition?

Luz: *Turns to Lilith, holding her game up* She just messaged me, "AJ is hurt! Come to the ship near the toe of The Right Foot!" She's usually more descriptive with her messages, so it must be something urgent.

Eda: *Eyes widen in shock, points forward* Does she mean that ship?

Luz and Lilith look forward and gasp in shock. They have arrived at The Right Foot. The first things they see is the destroyed village, but what surprised them the most is the destroyed ship on land, completely split into two giant halfs.

Lilith: Oh my Titan.. *Adjusts her glasses* What could've caused all this destruction?

Luz: *Brows furrow* I really hope that isn't the ship Amity's talking about.

Rise Of The Owl Houseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें