Chapter 9 - arrival

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The morning had came and you were at the village,people gathering around as you got of your ikrans,two boys came one of them looked at you with a slight smirk the other didn't care to notice.

The Olo'eyktan of the metkayina people arrived on its skimwing,getting out of the water everyone greeted him.

Ronal the tsahki of the metkayina people to arrived walking around all of the sullys and you,

"What do you toruk makto seek here?" Tonowari asked.

"I seek shelter for me and my family"

"Jake sully is a great warrior in war but we metkayina are not at war-"

"What is this!" Ronal was looking at you.

"I am a hybrid made from a metkayinas egg and a ometikayanas seeds" Lo'ak and neteyam had to hold back there laughter.

"You are...beautiful" you were shocked she even said that.

"But hybrids are dangerous there more wild and uncontrollable who knows what this one might do" you were starting to get pissed but kept it calm.

Ronal went to kiri she grabbed her hands,"there not even true na'vi!"

She put her hands down and went to Lo'ak,"they have demon blood" you were about to go and attack ronal but Neytiri held your arm tight.

You hissed at ronal,"see? How hybrids attack over the littlest of things"

"The littlest- the littlest of things I-" Neytiri covered your mouth.

your mind was in a haze and before you knew it you were in a marui pod,sat down right next to neteyam.

"Y/n are you listening?" Jake asked.

"Yea whatever"

"Remember don't cause trouble pick up your weight learn fast and most importantly remember don't give them a reason to kick us out"

"What does your father always say?" Neytiri said to everyone.

"Sullys stick together" you didn't say any everyone looked at you.

"I don't give a fuck." What you really ment to say is that you wanted to go home.

"it's okay," Neytiri said

"It isn't though I really isn't I hate this place already I hate that lady already and I proved her point right that the tiny amount of hybrids in this world are all uncontrollable" you got up about to leave,that person you met yesterday was infornt of you with his sister.

"I'm sorry for what happened before from what I see you seem like a nice hybird" her name was tsireya.

"Come let's all go swimming for a bit" tsireya took everyone outside.

Tsireya and her brother dived in first so gracefully but when it was Lo'ak and neteyam turn they weren't so graceful.

You finally jumped in,swimming around neteyam and Lo'ak you swam away from them laughing,for being a hybird you were fast.

After awhile of swimming your foot got stuck on some coral,aonung found you he took the knife that was with you and cut the coral and gave the knife back to you helping you swim to the top.

"Are you okay beautiful?"

"No my foot really hurts" aonung held you in his arms and swam back to the sand getting out of the water holding you,tsireya Lo'ak neteyam kiri and Tuk were waiting for you.

When neteyam saw you were being held by some other dude he was jealous every time he saw you with another man he'd get jealous but never understood why.

"Is she okay?" Lo'ak asked.

"Yea she's okay all she needs is some rest in the marui pod and she'll be fine"

"I can take her-"Neteyam said but got cut of by aonung.

"It's okay I got this" aonung smirked taking her back to the marui pod.

"Awe y/n what happened"


Aonung put you down,"for a hybrid your a brilliant swimmer if you are better tomorrow we'll show you how to ride ilus and maybe give your friends here some tips on swimming" you and him laughed,he left.

"What happened y/n?" Neteyam asked sitting next to you as Jake was wrapping your foot.

"I was swimming and my foot got stuck on soem OWW BE FUCKING CAREFUL THAT HURTS" you shouted at Jake making everyone laugh.

"So as I was saying I got my foot stuck on some coral aonung helped me and yea"

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