Chapter 39 : Wake up Sleepyhead !

Start from the beginning

Avengers' POV

"Is everything okay?" Steve then asked as he analyzed Tony's condition, who was covered in white. Tony cleared his throat, straightened up and began to put his things in order and clean himself up.

"Hm yes yes everything is fine. Just a little accident with a robot in excess." the engineer then replied, sending a dark look to the robot involved. The robot in question moved away, lowering its head. Steve stood still, watching his companion go about his business. Tony then became aware of Steve's presence.

"You wanted something in particular?" he asked.

"I wanted to tell you that she was awake," replied Steve as if it were something trivial. But his announcement made the genius stop, he turned around and looked his interlocutor in the eyes.

"She is awake?" he asked without breaking eye contact to check the sincerity in Steve's eyes.

"Yes she is." replied Steve with a smile meant to be reassuring.

"I'll go change and be right there." replied Tony as he rushed out of his lab, leaving Steve alone with his thoughts. They had never managed to get Tony out of his lab in the last few days, not even to eat, sleep or have meetings with Fury. The mere mention of Y/n brought him out immediately.

Steve watched Tony's lab, looking at what he was working on, even though when he got to the lab, Tony was sitting on his couch and staring into space. Steve didn't understand much of Tony's plans and calculations, but he knew that his friend had created an armor. But something was wrong, this armor seemed very small to be Tony's. Steve then realized that Tony was not working on his armor but on one for Y/n. This made him smile.

He then left the room and headed to the infirmary to join the others. On the way, Tony joined him. He was clean, well groomed, no flaws. They walked together down the corridors and reached the room. They knocked and entered.

Natasha, Bruce and Clint were already there. Bruce was looking at Y/n's medical test results on a tablet while talking to the doctor. They both had a very serious look on their faces. Nat and Clint were waiting farther away.

Once Steve and Tony arrived, everyone joined the doctor.

"How is she doing?" asked Tony right away.

"So her medical results are good, all her wounds and scars were well treated while she was there. Her reflexes are good, her brain responses are good. Physically, everything is fine." the doctor explained.

"Physically? Why do you say physically?" asked Natasha.

"Well, on the surface her body is responding but she is not. I asked her questions, she didn't answer me. She hasn't looked at me once since she woke up. In fact, she has only been staring forward. Unfortunately I have no explanation for this. All her tests came back positive so as far as her physical health is concerned she is fine." the doctor replied.

"All right, thanks doctor, we'll take it from here." said Steve.

The doctor nodded and left. The Avengers watched as Y/n was sitting upright in bed, staring into space. They slowly made their way over to her. They formed an arc around her bed. With Steve facing Y/n, Clint and Nat to Steve's left so to the right of Y/n's bed and Tony and Bruce to Steve's right so on the other side of the bed.

"Y/n/n?" it was Steve who broke the silence first, but Y/n did not move. "Y/n?" repeated Steve. Y/n breathed in slowly, then out before raising her eyes to meet Steve's.

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