'Some words should be left unspoken.'

Start from the beginning

"Here are your medicines." Ezra said as he put medicines in her hands and take her backpack away from her hands and put it on the floor.

As he turned around to look for Shaira. He was surprised to see Shaira already warming the water for her tablets.

He shook his head.  How could he even thought that he would need to coax Shaira for eating her tablets. She was way above for that.

Sitting on her bed. Ezra took a round about on her room. Even though she had not entered a whole day in her room. Her room was not at all messy. It was perfect. Not a thing out of place. Looking at Shaira's back who had not speak a single word for five minutes straight. Ezra mind wandered about all the possibilities if they had treated her right.

If at least he would have treated her right.

"What's on your mind?" Shaira said as she poured a cup of water and gently put it on the side table of her bed.
She sighed as she gently sat on the side of the bed putting away her shoes.

Ezra's line of lonely thoughts were broken by Shaira. He looked at the tender yet strong headed girl sitting in front of him. Her eyes furrowed and her hair colour - same as their mother.

Shaira was looking at his brother. His both palms flat on her bed with his eyes looking at her. The most peculiar thing about those eyes were the feelings it clearly showed.  Vanedestines were never good at emotions and she was glad for that but today was different.

Enable to shake the awkward silence. Shaira looked down her medicine. The dreaded medicine. Of course- Shaira hated medicines. She would rather die to take in tablets which make her mood and tongue bitter. It may sound childish but she also wanted to throw tantrums about taking medicine but for that you need someone who actually care enough that you had taken your medicine or not. She would be lucky enough if she don't vomit in front of Ezra.

Shaira remembered one time falling ill after not taking medicine from her frequently changing nanny. The amount of pain she had endured that time.
As a lesson, she always took her tablets on time. She always need some kind of distraction while taking her tablets.

Her hand shivered as she popped her more than three tablets to take.

" The doctor should have rather packed whole pharmacy." Her mind taunted. sarcastically.

Please dont puke. Please don't.

Her mind chanted.

Before she could throw five tablets in her mouth together. A rough hand stopped her.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Had you even check the prescription before you gobble up these? They are to be taken at diffrent timings."

Oh shit

Shaira swiftly pulled out her prescription from the packet. It indeed said only two tablet at night and three for morning- after breakfast.

"Are you always this careless? " Ezra said taking prescription from her hand.

Shaira could even retort before Ezra pointed him to sit on the bed  and put a glass in front of her face which she took a hold of. With dread. As Ezra was giving her medicine.

"Wait- you need to distract me after I took the pills else I will puke." Shaira finally coughed out the truth.

"But you were ready to take 5 pills not even a minute ago." Ezra said with furrowed eyes.

"Because at least I would have puked in the bathroom before but now- with you- standing right beside me. I really don't want to puke on you. " Shaira said. Her eyes filled with tiredness.

"Do you always get nausea? "

"Most of the time. Please, can you move fast. I am tired. " Shaira said.

Looking around the room to find any distractions. Ezra caught the sight of Shaira's violin.

There was a time when he loved that instrument but then he got busy. He got so busy in life, carreer, opportunities that he forgot to even address the things he loved the most.

Shaira eyes widen when he saw Ezra went forward and grab her violin.

"You play violin!?"

Ezra could not help but chuckle at Shaira's expression.

"Well, I played violin for a long time."

Shaira's jaw dropped.

"Don't give me that look and tell me what do you want me to play for you?"

Has anyone told Ezra that he looked more like their mom than herself. He got the same tender eyes Shaira had grown to see in her mother's pictures. The same smile as well.

"Then play me a song mom liked. " Shaira hand swiftly moved to her mouth. The word 'mom' by Shaira's mouth was taboo. They never liked her calling their mother mom.

Her eyes clearly showed dread.

"I am sorry. It's just that I have never know her-" Shaira was interrupted by Ezra reassuring smile.

"Gulp that down and I will start." Ezra said leaving Shaira shocked.
Shaira immediately gobbled down the two tablets as she heard the rhythm flowing through her veins.

Playing the city of Stars. Shaira instantly imagined her mother smiling and giggling over brother's tantrums- if they ever had any. Her mind forgot everything just sweet music. She did not even knew when she fell asleep but the feeling of calmness was in her and one thought.

Ezra creates magic


Ezra sighed as he saw her little sister sleeping comfortably on her bed. Looking  at her he knew one thing. After this many mistakes, he would do one right thing even it meant to go against his brothers.


My laptop broke down. Sorry for any mistakes.

Apart from that. My college schedule had just become worse. 8 hours of class  with three exams this month and terminals next month. That's why I have been so busy. Trust me if someone had told me that I would have to do this much of hardwork when I am in college I would have never taken medical at all.

I am sorry for the late update. I will try to be more consistent I promise.

Ly all


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