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THEY MADE IT TO THE club just a few minutes later. Dianna hadn't even known there was a club down the road from Joey's, but here they are. Sirius hopped off of Remus's back and made his way to the front, strolling past the many witches and wizards who were waiting in line to get inside. She looks to the others to ask what he's doing but they all just watch him. James paces to the Ravenclaw girl from behind and places his hands on her shoulders before muttering into her ear, "Just watch. When he means to be, Padfoot can be quite charming."

The group stood near the end of the line, yards away from the entrance where Sirius was now talking to the bouncer who gave him one look before gesturing to the line. They continued to converse with one another in hushed voices. She then looks toward the group. James gives her a little wave making her roll her eyes as she looks back to Sirius. As she's talking to him, the Ravenclaw notices a huge grin overcome his features. He looks to The Marauders and Dianna before waving them forward.

"What did you do?" she asks him suspiciously under her breath once she's in earshot of him.

He doesn't reply. He winks at the girl as the bouncer opens the doors for them. Sirius takes Dianna's hand and leads them in.

They walked down a small staircase, sticking close to one another as we got closer and filed into the main room. The huge room's main source of light was the colorful strobe lights and the lanterns that hung on the walls. Floating trays holding shot glasses filled with fire whiskey were spread out around the busy club.

Witches and Wizards jumped, swayed, and danced to the blasting music which echoed, bouncing off the walls. The base was loud enough for them to feel it in their chests with a thump.

Sirius pulls Diana with him as they knit their way through the partying crowd to the other side of the room. No one paid them any attention as the five of them slithered their way past the dance floor.

Once they made it past the mass of people, James caught up with the two as he and Sirius led them toward a booth in the far corner of the pub, seeming as if they'd been here before, which Dianna wouldn't be surprised if they had.

The booth was round and could probably hold seven people if we wanted. James sat first, scooting down so that he sat in the middle, Dianna sat next to him on his left as Sirius sat at hers. Peter took the opposite side of James and Remus sat next to Peter.

"Alright, seeing as I'm the outsider here, what do you blokes have planned for us?" the girl asks, looking between Sirius and James. They were clearly the most eager to be here.

"Drinks. Just have fun. This is our last summer break before school is over, so I plan to enjoy it," James replies as he takes his wand out and makes a floating tray of many shots soar toward them.

"I can get on that." She nods in agreement.

They each grab a shot glass of fire whiskey.

"Together?" Peter asks, looking around the table. James smiles at him and nods in reply.

"One, two, three," Sirius mutters before they all throw their heads back, swallowing the bitter liquid. It burned their throats as it went down but not in a painful way.

Dianna feels herself relax a little as she places the glass back on the counter and looks around the circular booth at the boys around her.

Peter's face was screwed up like he just bit into a sour lemon. Remus was admiring his now empty shot glass as Sirius chuckled, taking James's glass.

The messy-haired brunette joined him in laughter as Sirius held the shot glasses to his eyes and looked through them like binoculars, his eyes looking much larger than they naturally are.

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