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June 1977

SMALL WHITE FLOWER PETALS FALL from the tree Dianna sits under on school grounds; the grand castle of Hogwarts is visible, as well as a beautiful view of the Black Lake, the sun reflecting as the water ripples towards the shore. She lays against a slight hollow in the trunk that, over the years, has become her comfort area.

To the sounds of light footsteps from behind her, she closes the book she was reading and turns to see her two best friends walking down the path as she tucks a loose strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

"How did I know to find you here?" Pandora Lestrange asks in her light voice as her wavy platinum-blond hair blows around her from the soft breeze.

"Because she's always here," Charlotte Barnes replies simply as she plops down next to Dianna, her dirty blond hair bouncing around her shoulders. "How are you, my lovely butterfly?" she asks the brunette next to her, resting her head on her palms as Pandora takes a seat on Dianna's other side.

"I'm fine. Did you just call me your butterfly?" she asks, a little confused.

"Charlotte and I are trying to guess what your Patronus would be. I think you're more of a... leopard!" Pandora decides in thought.

Charlotte hums in agreement, "Maybe. What are you reading?" She asks Dianna, nodding to the book in her hands.

"A muggle book I brought. It's pretty good. I like it," she tells her, putting the book away in her school bag. "Can you believe that after today, we will be 7th years? It feels like yesterday we were on the train, and we were thinking of nicknames to call each other." the brunette adds, remembering the first time they met when they were 12.

"Oh no! Are we getting old, so now we will have to talk about the good old days?" Pandora asks as she thinks deeply.

Charlotte and Dianna smile at their friend's slight overreaction. "Dora, I think we have some time before we go that far. We are only 17, after all." Charlotte comforts, still holding her smile.

"Oh! I have a prediction!" Pandora perks up, forgetting that they were already on a topic. "I think that once we're out of school, we will find nice new relationships and be able to raise our children together!... Oh! and the war will be over!" She adds excitedly.

"I love it! Anna, we need to find our significant others since this one already found her prince." Charlotte agrees as she takes Dianna's hands in hers, making the brunette's smile widen at her friend's happiness.

"I think Phoebe Edwards has taken a liking to you, no?" Dianna asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Has she? I haven't noticed," Pandora wonders aloud.

"There's no way! I always thought she liked Dora." Charlotte refuses as a blush rises to her already rosy cheeks.

"Definitely not. She wouldn't take her eyes off you during the common room party last night," Dianna replies, placing her book in her bag before standing.

The two other girls do the same, and they start walking up the small trail to the castle. "Well, then she might be getting a letter from me over break," Charlotte says after a moment of thought as they walk onto the school grounds.

"I'm sure she'll be very pleased," Dianna says. They now are walking down the halls on their way to the Great Hall for dinner. It is noticeable how there are fewer students in the halls as they are all probably packing for the train tomorrow.

The trio quickly walk through the familiar doors of the Great Hall, making a bee-line for the Ravenclaw table. They take a seat as the room begins to fill with chatter. "Anna, have you considered what you want to do for a career?" Pandora asks before siping pumpkin juice from the goblet in front of her.

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