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DIANNA LEFT THE SMALL PUB not long after her interaction with Sirius. Dreading to go home, but she knows that she has to. She apparates to the front door of Rain Manor and points her wand at the door nob. "Alohomora," she whispers.

Nothing happens.

"Alohomora!" she whispers again, a bit more clearly this time.

Once again, nothing happens.

She decides to put her wand in her pocket before knocking three times, seeing as she can hear voices from inside.

"Poppy, are we expecting anyone?" she hears her mother's faint voice ask from inside. Of course, she didn't notice her daughter was gone. Why would she?

"No, Mrs. Rain," Poppy replies squeakily.

Dianna rolls her eyes as she hears her mum's heels against the marble floor get closer and closer to the doorway. She opens it before laying her eyes on the girl and squints. "And where were you?"

"Diagon Alley with some friends," the teen replied, moving to walk past her mum but she didn't move out of the way. Dianna steps back as her mother stares her down.

"With some friends? How long were you gone?"

"About two hours," she lies. She was probably out for four hours but there's no need to make her mother think of her even less than she already does.

She nods, still not moving as she continues to look at the girl with her permanent intimidating glare she seems to only have for her. "May I come in now?" Dianna asks her mum after a few more seconds of waiting.

She doesn't reply. Instead, she moves to the side finally, allowing the girl to speed walk past her to go up the stairs to her room. She pauses in her steps before saying "You should get the door checked. The blood magic might be wairing off." And with that, she leaves to run up the stairs. She can feel her mother's eyes follow her before she's out of her sight.

As she walks past her brother's room quickly, hearing music blaring from his open door, she takes her wand out of her pocket again to make his door slam closed before entering her room and closing hers as well.


A day later Dianna had planned to go out again, really just needing to get out of the house for the sake of her sanity.

Instead of going to Diagon Alley, she apparated to a small wizarding town east of London. Little to no Hogwarts students knew about this place and she thought that a little time out on her own was needed.

Rain poured from the sky, making the cobblestone street damp. She charmed an invisible umbrella to protect herself from getting wet with her wand.

She found this town when her mum had taken her, her brother, and her sister, a few streets away to see a show when she was thirteen. At some point, she had gotten lost in the crowd and found her way here where she spent the whole day wandering around the many shops. Her mother hadn't found her until she went back to the theater. She was pissed at the girl but still to this day doesn't know where she had wandered off to.

Dianna's favorite place to go to in this small town is the bookstore cafe, where you could read books while you enjoyed your meal. At that moment she stood in front of a sign that said "Joey's Book Cafe" in big bold letters. She took a moment to look at the books displayed in the window before pulling the door open making the small bell overhead ring.

The smell of tea, coffee, and parchment wafted around the long extended room, creating a calming aroma. As she steps into the shop, she removes the umbrella charm. There are rows of bookshelves in every category possible as well as an area for muggle records in the corner. The sound of a piano playing a light airy tone echoes around. Dianna had stepped into the shop hundreds of times but she could never grow tired of the homey feeling it brought her.

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