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THE SUN PEEKS THROUGH THE curtain on Dianna's window as she shoved her face into her pillow, not ready to wake up yet. She stays like that for a minute before the sunlight becomes brighter, not letting her get back to sleep.

She groans, knowing she should wake up. She stretches as she opens her eyes. She looks around before grabbing her wand which is on her bedside table. She uses it to open her curtains all the way.

Now squinting out the window, she sees it's very sunny. Looking at the clock, she notices that she slept through the whole morning. Well, shit.

She shrugs it off, laying back on her bed's backboard. On the other side of her queen-sized bed, on the other side table, she sees that Poppy dropped off post for her, bringing a smile to Dianna's face.

She's been worrying about her school friends for almost a week. They hadn't been replying to her letters. She looks through the small stack to see who they are from.

Regulus, Charlotte, Dorian, and... Rudolfus.

I didn't write to him, did I? No. I wrote to Pandora but not him. She places his letter down, planning on reading it last.

She read the first one, from Regulus.


I'm sorry to say that it is unlikely for us to meet in the next few weeks. Yes, I am still staying at Malfoy Manor. Pandora arrived here two days ago in order to stay close to her brother. My parents want me to join the family business. Don't worry about us. Looking forward to seeing my best friend again.

~ R.A.B

P.S. Hey Di, it's Pandora. I'm so sorry for not writing back sooner. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for our boys. If you happen to talk to Xeno or Charlotte during the break, tell them I'm fine and that I love them. Much love! <3

Dianna reread the letter. She is happy to know that they are okay but she noticed something.

The Noble House of Black doesn't have a family business. It doesn't take a genius to know that he meant the Death Eaters. She understands why he wrote it that way because the ministry is looking through everyone's mail.

She's disgusted by the fact that Regulus's family is pressuring him to join Voldemort's coven. She knows that Pandora is just there to watch after her brother and Regulus but she worries for her too.

The Black, Malfoy, and Lestrange families are notorious allies of "The Dark Lord".

She doesn't know about Rudolfus, but she knows for a fact that Regulus and Pandora don't agree with their families' side of the war. But they have to stay silent about their opinions, whether they like it or not. If they openly speak about their true opinion... things won't end well.

Knowing that three of the people Dianna's closest with are there is terrifying.

She takes a deep breath, placing the letter down. She's decided that she's not going to let herself worry until there is something to truly worry about. If she stresses out too much, she might have another panic attack as she used to when she was younger.

Dianna then opened the letter from Charlotte.


Sorry, Hi Anna! So, Phoebe wrote back and said that she was flattered and told me that she was in fact into girls and that she's liked me for a while... Help. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to die. Am I going to die? No, probably not. I don't know. I'm full of gay panic. She asked me out, Anna! On a date! I wrote back yes of course but it feels like forever until I'll get a reply. As soon as I sent the letter I got anxious. What if she backs out? Help.

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