"I literally only wore this once for a Bay City Rollers costume party." She says.

It's a tartan fitted mini dress with safety pins lined down a slit in the skirt. It has long sleeves which I love.

"It's not bad." I reply. "As long as I can wear my Doc Martens."

"I guess I can compromise with this one." Sally smirks.

Sally is slimmer than me, and although I'm slim, my boobs and my hips are more voluptuous. How this dress will fit over my curves is going to be interesting.

"Try it on. I'm gonna go and put some make up on." She says heading to the bathroom.

I put on some underwear and throw the dress on over my head, pulling it over my body.

I check myself out in the mirror. It's definitely not my style, but I'll go with it. It's darn uncomfortable that's for sure and the skirt keeps riding up. How do groupies do it? Give me my overalls or my jeans and I will be happy.

I dry my hair and then put on some make-up. I go with a bright red lip which is unusual for me as my go to lip is a brown colour.
I style my hair with loose curls that cascade down my back and around my shoulders.

Once me and Sally have finished getting ready, we meet in the kitchen where she is on her 6th glass of wine.

"Girrrrrl...you look fucking hot." She says.

"Thanks, so do you." I reply.

I grab my Doc Martens and put them on, where Sally has some 6inch stilettos.

Sally persuaded me not to bring my camera and I'm kicking myself for it.

We head out of the apartment and hail a cab to The Neptune Theater.

Once inside the venue, we get stares from some guys, however we walk on by and head to the bar.

I hate this, I really hate this.

I really don't like big crowds and I feel so uncomfortable.

Sally is in her element and gets us two cocktails, mine is a blue liquid with a mini umbrella and some pineapple floating on the beverage. It looks radioactive. If I die tonight, it's because of whatever the hell this is.

I sip on it and grimace. It has a fruity tone but overwhelmed with strong vodka.

"Good right?!" Sally says, practically downing the drink.

"If you're a car engine...bleh." I reply.

"Chad! Over here!" Sally calls, seeing him in the crowd.

As soon as they meet they are playing tonsil hockey. I'm not sure if I should look away or take notes.
Once they've finished their welcome, Chad and Sally head off somewhere. Probably to screw in the bathroom or backstage. All I know is that I'm on my own now and I would rather be playing my bass guitar along to my favourite records at home, not stuck in a crowd of complete strangers.

I sit at the bar and ignore any unwanted attention, finishing my drink, before heading to the rest room.

I only have a small bag and Sally was against me taking my camera out tonight, so this is extremely odd to me. I usually have a backpack or my camera bag.

I look in the mirror and reapply a fresh coat of lipstick as I hear moans coming from one of the stalls. A woman and a man.

That's where Sally and Chad ended up.

Christ, I might just vomit out my cocktail.

"Just like that..." and "fuck my pussy." Were just some of the sentences out of Sally's mouth.

I roll my eyes and leave before I die from cringe.

Suddenly as I walk out of the rest room, I see the bass player for Nirvana walking down the corridor, with a bottle of beer.

I smile, and he stops in front of me. I think he remembers me from when Sally tried flirting with him. He has to do a double take as I'm dressed up tonight.

"Hi...do I know you?" He asks, slurring his words a little.

"Uh yeah, my friend Sally is dating your drummer." I reply, aware that I look awkward as hell.

"Yes! Alana right?" He says.

How the hell does he remember my name? I don't think I ever gave it to him. We didn't even talk that night I met Kurt.

Wait. Kurt.

Kurt probably told him...maybe? I'm getting myself in over my head.

"That's my name." I say.

"I'm Krist...I don't think we spoke to each other at that dive bar we played in, but Kurt remembered you." He replies.

It was Kurt. He remembered me...

"Nice to meet you Krist." I say.

"And you." He says swigging his beer.

"Where is Kurt?" I ask him.

"Oh he's out backstage. He doesn't really like the crowds and he finds the attention hard to deal with." Krist informs me.

I nod.
"I get that." God do I.

"Wanna see him? It'd make his fucking night if you did." He asks.

"Really? Why would it make his night?" I wonder.

"Because he didn't stop talking about you that whole evening. You even come up in conversation now. He calls you 'The One that got away'." He grins.

My heart feels like it's gonna beat out of chest. I feel anxious, but not in a bad way. The way when you get butterflies in your stomach when you're excited. The way it makes you smile at the thought.

"Well I guess I'd better say hi." I smile.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now