Little Brothers--Pepper and Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie

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Summary: Being the older sister of four trouble-making little brothers is never easy, no matter how old they get.

In the beginning, the boys are  2, Pepper's 5. After the first timeskip, they're 7 and she's 10. And after the last one, they're 10 and she's 13.

(I couldn't figure out a real good way to fit Splinter into this, so he's just kinda absent during the whole thing. Happy New Years!)

"Peppa, what that?"

"That's the television remote, Donnie."

"Peppa, what that?"

"That's the toaster, Donnie."

"Peppa, what that?"

"That's the tire swing, Donnie."

"Peppa, what that?"

"Donnie, that's the television remote--I've told you this several times."

"Peppa, what that?"

"Donnie. You have to be tired, right? Your brothers have already been put to bed. Don't you want to go to sleep, too?" Pepper looked hopefully at her most night-owl-like little brother.

"No." Donnie smiled, making his way toward the kitchen.

Pepper groaned in exasperation and followed her wandering little brother, rubbing her eyes and yawning. 

It was late. She was tired. Splinter, Leo, Raph, and Mikey were all asleep. She should be, too. And yet, here she was, wandering around the lair in the middle of the night chasing after her curious little brother. 

Why did I think it was a good idea to convince Splinter to let them have candy before bedtime?

Donnie toddled over to the refrigerator, stared at it for a minute, and turned back to face her.

"Peppa, what that?"

"That's the fridge, Donnie."

"'Fidge'," Donnie giggled, somehow marveled by the word. He glanced back at her and pointed at the appliance. "That 'fidge', Peppa."

"Yes, Donnie. Would you like to sleep now?" she asked for the millionth time that night. Or morning? She looked at the stove, read the time, and groaned again.

"No." Donnie smiled innocently, shaking his head, then turned and left the kitchen, ducking under the curtain that served as a door. Then he stopped. "Peppa, what that?"

"That's a curtain, Donnie."

"Cur-tain," Donnie repeated, smiling again as he turned to her. "That curtain, Peppa."

"You're right, Donnie. Would you like to sleep now?" She already knew the answer.

Donnie giggled again, shaking his head and heading for the living room.

They repeated this for maybe another half hour before Donnie finally yawned.

"I go sleep wif' 'eo and Ra-ff? I go seep wif' Mi-tey...?" Donnie questioned, tugging on her leggings.

Pepper smiled. Finally... She nodded, watching her little brother's drooping eyes. Gently, she lifted him up and carried him toward the dojo where he and his brothers slept. He was asleep by the time she got there and she carefully placed him beside Mikey, covering him with part of the quilt the four of them shared.

Before she left, she noticed Mikey had his head oddly angled, his leg resting on top of Raph's chest. His breath came out in a nasally way from the angle of his head.

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