Nightmare--Pepper and Mikey

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Summary: Mikey has a bad nightmare about his only sister leaving because she doesn't love them anymore. 

Mikey's 4, Pepper's 7.

Once Mikey closed his eyes, he was out for the count. But his peaceful sleep didn't last too long...

He was watching Pepper walk away from the lair, her satchel with her meager belongings slung over her shoulder. 

"Pepper! Where are you going?" Mikey called after her, confused.

The dark-haired 7-year-old paused, looking back over her shoulder at him. Her green eyes were cold. "Anywhere but here."

Mikey bounded up to his older sister, grabbing her arm. He didn't understand the implications of those words. "Can I come?"

She scoffed, pulling away from him. "Of course not! I'm leaving to get away from you."

Mikey's smile fell and he stared at his sister in disbelief. "What? Why?"

She sneered at him. "Isn't it obvious? You guys are the worst little brothers ever. You always wanna be around me. I never get a second to myself anymore. And you're the absolute worst. Whenever I'm trying to do something by myself, you always have to be right by my side, holding onto me. Are you that desperate for attention?"

He stared up at her, already feeling tears prick his eyes. He couldn't help it if he wanted to be around her; she was his big sister, his only sister, and he loved her. He thought she didn't mind having him around. She'd always smiled and laughed whenever he'd asked to hang out with her. Was he really annoying her that much?

Pepper started walking again, and Mikey grabbed her satchel strap desperately. "Please!" he begged. "Please don't leave! I can change, I promise! I'll be better! I won't annoy you anymore! I'll leave you alone! But please don't leave! You're my sister!"

She snarled at him, yanking her satchel away. "I'm not your sister!" she spat. "And you're not my brother. I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back. We're not family, and I never loved you guys in the first place. Just leave me alone, you hear me?"

Without another word, she turned and stalked away, leaving Mikey to stare after her.

"Pepper!" He jolted awake in his bed, screaming his sister's name. It was just a dream? Pepper didn't leave? Wait, what if she did? 

Scared, he slipped off his bed and threw open his bedroom door, running out into the hallway. He and his brothers had stopped sleeping in the dojo about a year ago and gotten their own rooms, along with Pepper. He raced down to the end of the hall where her room was and pulled open the door, peaking inside.

Pepper's room never failed to make him feel safe; there was just an air was warmth and comfort inside. She had so little stuff that she'd brought with her, but Splinter had found her stuff to make her room her own. Her bed was pushed against one wall, the sheets neatly made. Resting on her bedside table was the fantasy novel she'd reading lately, while beside the little table was the tall lamp that currently washed the room in a soft glow. Against the wall opposite her bed was her personal library: a large bookshelf stretching floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall. Most of the shelves were bare, but several books were grouped together, ones that she'd already finished, and ones she'd yet to start. Opposite the door was her desk, and sitting in the swivel chair was Pepper. Her back was to Mikey, headphones on. Even from here, Mikey could clearly hear the song she had playing; she had the volume all the way up, which explained why she hadn't heard him. She was singing softly to the song, left hand tapping out the beat on the desk while her right held a pencil. She was working on a picture in her sketchbook.

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