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There was a short time where everyone tried to think of some deep fact about themselves.
Bob had proposed this idea for the tradition the first time they did it. He said, to really make it count, they should have at least one information that is important or personal, otherwise they could just tell stupid things.
"Now. Okay. So, sometimes ...", Bob started but needed some more time to think of the right way to say it. "Sometimes I think of leaving the three ??? to do something new."
It was very quiet now, the two wanted to know more, "Not that I don't like working as a detective, I love it. And I love you guys, too. But I just imagine how it would be to not do any of that stuff, you know ?", Bob paused to let them know that he was finished. He was a bit ashamed and scared for their reaction, especially Justus. His parents were detectives too, and he promised himself once that he would never stop being one himself. It was the only thing he had left from them, or so he stated it.
Peter was the first one to speak, "No, I think I get it. I love what we are doing, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but just the idea of ... I don't know, being a normal teenager, and not risking our lives to solve something. I love it, I really do. But yes, the thought sounds appealing.", he looked over at Bob to give him a reassuring smile.
Justus tugged at his bottom lip, he clearly was thinking about what have been said.
He closed his eyes, which he did when he communicate his feelings. He once said that in that way he wouldn't have to see other people while talking, therefore he can trick himself into thinking he is just talking to himself.
"I, I think I understand. You know my reason why I founded the three ??? in the first place and that I've made a promise. But sometimes, just for a split second, I imagine just not to do any of that. I try to not let that thought cross my mind, because I don't want to break my promise, but I do think of it. Being a detective was always my dream, and in some way my duty, however, I think it would be nice taking a break for a couple of months or a year. It's the only thing I'm really good at, you know ? Solving things, stating facts, driving people mad,", he looked at Peter who smirked, "And I don't want to take any break. But I wouldn't continue if one of you would say they wanted to leave. The three ??? only work when there are three ???. I would, at some time, continue being a detective, but then probably alone, because it wouldn't be the same without one of you. So, I know you said you don't want to leave, but if this should ever be the case, just know no one will be mad or disappointed or angry. I would respect your decision and would let you go.", he opened his eyes to find Bob's relieved expression.
"Thank god, I was so scared.", he breathed out, thereupon they laughed.
After a short snack and drinking break, Justus and Bob starred at Peter, waiting for his confession.
"Alriiight, don't be so impatient.", he swallowed his last bite of pie. "I only agree to do the dangerous jobs on our missions, because I don't want any of you to get hurt.
I know that I am the most active one, but I am also the most scared. But I only come over my fears ever time because of you guys.
I'm scared that, if I don't do this myself, jump of that cliff, climb into the creepy house, chase a mad with a gun, I will get one of you in danger.
If I get hurt or something, that would be okay, because it was my decision to do it. But if one of you got hurt, I think that would be on me.
So I pull myself together every time, and do it."
Peter felt stupid to have said such thing, therefore he closed his eyes in fear the others would laugh at that.
Suddenly, he felt first Bob's arms, and then Justus' around him, hugging him.
"That is really sweet if you, Pete'.", Bob whispered. Justus added that they really were grateful and they knew it was hard for him and that it was dangerous, therefore they really appreciated it.
All three took in the moment for another second before they broke apart.
"My turn ?", Justus had asked, rhetorically, already closing his eyes again.
"Sometimes I wonder, if my aunt and uncle didn't wanted me, but they were kind of forced to adopt me, you know ? I mean, when my parents died, I was given by them. They had to take me or otherwise I would've been gone to some orphanage or something.
What if I only bothered them, or still am ?
They don't have kids their own for a reason, but suddenly - surpriiiiiise - here is a baby boy, your nephew. I know they love me and I couldn't wish for better legal guardians, but they had to give up a lot to raise me, and I've been very difficult over the years. Remember when I had a phase, where I wouldn't listen to them, at all ? I would skip school just to upset them. So yeah, there's that.", he took a deep breath, opening his eyes and taking a long time drinking from his water bottle.
Peter and Bob explained him, that even though this wouldn't help his mind to think otherwise, he needed to know that this was not true. They talked more about it, though Justus changed the topic at one point.
It was rare that he talked about his parents and his feelings, yet alone for more than one or two sentences.

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