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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am having way, too much fun with these- Anyways.

Here's another chapter! (●'◡'●)

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( Y/N POV )

I woke up and looked around, with an unfamiliar sight before me. ' Wasn't I just at the Meteor Shower Sighting..? '. I thought, but now I ended up in a random bedroom with ( F/C - Favourite Colour ) everywhere. I sat up groaning, and I put my legs over the side of the bed. I then got up and my eyes fell on the door. I then walked towards it with caution, and when I placed my hand on the handle..


I fell back onto my butt, and while clutching onto my forehead. Seems like somebody, accidently opened the door and smacked it into my head. 

"Oh my! [ Y/N ] Dear! I am so sorry! Did I hurt you?! Do you need to be taken into the hospital?!" A soft voice called out. I looked up to see a blurry figure, then I came back to my sense. And figured out that this person looked exactly like my mother, but.. She seemed the opposite. She seemed a bit more worried than ever. 

"Yeah, uh... Mom..?" I said confused, "Yes Darling, it's me. Oh thank the heavens that you still remember me," She said, kissing my forehead after. She then help me up, dusting all the dust I've gotten on my clothes. "Ah, good! You're already changed, phew. So glad I don't have to tell you about that." My 'Mother' said as she tossed a lock of her hair out of her face. "Hurry now Dear, we're almost finished packing!" She said, "Wait!" I said as I reached out to her and stopped her from leaving.

"What is it dear?" She asked curiously. "Uhm.. Where are we going again..?" I asked curiously, "Oh! We're going to Princeton College, Dear! You got in! Right?" She asked. "Uh- Yes! I did.. Haha.. Sorry, maybe it's just all the stress about going to College..?" I said with a dumb look on my face. "If you say so, dear!" My mother says, and with that. She leaves downstairs. I then randomly picked up a nearby blanket and walked downstairs. While passing by, I came by a mirror and looked at myself in the mirror.

Most of myself looked the same, except.. My eyes seemed a bit of a different colour than my original colour. But I shrug it off before walking off to the front yard. 

As soon as I got out onto the yard, I spotted my mother and father packing the car. Once I walked closer, my mother took the blanket I was holding and placed it into the car, my father then greeted me with a big smile. "Hey there Honey! Me are your mother are proud of you!" He says as he walks up to me and gives me a big, tight hug. Which was a very unusual thing.

I then hopped into the car, as I closed the door and quickly put on my seatbelt, with my mother and father following pursuit. "Alright, are we ready?" My father asks. "Yes dear, the house is also locked too." She says as the keys were dangling in her hands. "And, please be careful while driving dear." She says. 

"I am, you always know that."

"Last time, you almost crashed us off a mountain in New Zealand."


"No matter, let's go to Princeton!" My mother says with a big smile on her face, as she turns to look at me. I returned the big smile, but in reality, I was very, very, confused.

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12 : 46 AM

My father parked us in a parking space, and as we got out I looked around at the scenery. ' Weird.. It looks exactly the College that Sam went to in Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen ' I thought with dismay.  "Hey [ Y/N ]? Dear, why don't you go to your room? And we'll follow in with a few of your stuff." My father says, "No! Are you mad woman?! Dearest, I love you and all. But I can't allow this!" My mother shouted, "Calm down dear! Besides, she's old enough now," My father says as he then attempts to calm my mother down.

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