☆ twenty seven ☆

Start from the beginning

so for the rest of the night until the early moring the we all got very drunk and celebrated our lars. later we did toast and really let lars know how much we appreciated him.

he had found me at some point in the night and gave me a massive thank you speech, i was laughing at him the whole time but that didn't stop his poetic speech.

also...i'll never tell them i saw it but at around 3am i did see a very drunk james hug a very drunk lars and said "thanks lars, we wouldn't be here without you fucker".

it made me smile, i knew how hard it was for james to be sensitive and open to up, it usually always took alcohol but i knew him and lars would always have eachothers backs through everything.

so after all of lars and our friends had somehow gotten home we caught at cab home and passed out. not waking up until hours later.

was a good birthday.

5 days later - new years.

on new year's day we had decided we were gonna go to dinner at a restaurant that was open until midnight.

the other boys had found dates so they were excited to say the least.

we got to the restaurant at around 8 and found the table we had booked. james and i were the first there while the rest had to pick up their dates.

i didnt know any of the girls they were bringing so i was nervous. some of them didn't have the best taste in girls. no offence.

eventually cliff had introduced me to his date, olivia.

she seemed to be very in awe of cliff, i had in the past heard cliff mention her and he had gone to her house a few times, but it was nice to be finally meeting her.

she was beautiful. and she had a beautiful soul too. i had only met her now but by the way she speaks i can tell she wouldn't hurt a fly.

and then lars introduced me to his date, maddison. or more he tried to. his date was not interested at all, she was finding any reason to not talk to me. but james on the other hand, she was very keen to try and talk to him.

lars and i walked to the bar to get drinks and i said "lars, may i ask where you met her" i chuckled as lars and i watched a very annoyed james try to find a way to leave the conversation he was having with maddison.

"it's a long story" he mumbled running a hand over his face. "i really didn't wanna bring her. we met at a shitty bar one time. i didn't have any other options...i didn't wanna come to dinner without a date though" his tone changed as he explained his situation to me.

"i have an idea" i smiled to myself. he looked up at me confused and said "go on...".

"i have a lovely friend, that has no plans for new years...but we'd have to figure out a way to get rid of...that" i said pointing towards the girl who was now chatting up a random guy running her fingers up and down his toned arms.

"yeah, i'll deal with her, call your girly" lars said before leaving to talk to maddison.

i left outside the restaurant to the payphone. i pushed her phone number in and the line rang, i heard the phone pick up then my friends voice "hello?" i smiled and replied "hey lexy it's ally".

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