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     Aru grinned as she looked at her friends celebrating the New Year with fireworks and popcorn. Even her mom had drank some wine, it was a time to celebrate. 

    It had been an eventful year. But now? They were ready to have fun. To enjoy themselves.

     Aru gasped in awe, watching as the blue and gold firework spattered the sky with royal hues. It was a sight to behold. 

   Aru's sleeve was tugged, and she spun around in a second. With her speed, she almost bumped into Aiden's face as she span, turning red as she realized who it was.

   "Uh, hi?" Aru stammered out, her ears red.

   "Um, can I talk to you?" Aiden said, fiddling with Shadowfax as he looked at her .

   Aru turned around, seeing Mini smirk at her. Well. They'll be fine without me. Aru decided and nodded to Aiden, who quickly led her out to his balcony.

    "Shah, I..." Aiden blushed, looking into the sky. Aru looked up at him, bewildered at was going on. His eyes snapped back to her face as he memorized every detail of the girl in front of him, as if he was a prisoner seeing the sun for the first time.

     "You're beautiful." She heard the words, before suddenly feeling Aiden's soft lips smash against hers. He tasted like mint, as he immediately pulled back, stammering out an apology.

    "S-sorry, I just, couldn't help myself?" He tried to back away, but Aru pulled him back. "Aru?" 

    She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer as she tilted her head. She stared at his blue-flecked eyes, filled with hesitance. Her legs felt heavy, as she seemed completely clueless for what to do now. 

    She leaned in, feeling his strong hands push her hair back. His body pressed against hers, as her eyes roamed his body greedily. "I never knew you were such a player, Acharya." She smirked as she whispered the words in his ears.

    A firework blasted off, as she kissed Aiden, hearing his gasp of pleasure. Inhaling deeply, she smelt his cologne; green apple and cedar. His chaste lips brushed against her soft ones over and over again, as they battled for dominance. Aru pulled him closer, nibbling on his lip as he opened his mouth every so slightly.

    Slowly, Aru closed her eyes, feeling the warm sensation of Aiden's forehead resting on hers. She ran a shaking hand through his dusky locks. 

   They held each other in a warm embrace, as if their lives depended on it. He gave her fluttering kisses from her neck to her chin as she pulled him closer. 

    "Aiden! Do you want to light a firecracker?" Brynne's voice could be heard as a familiar gust of wind startled them when she entered the balcony. "Uh..oops."

     "Guys! You have to get a room for this kind of stuff." Brynne grumbled as she walked back.

      "So. Shah, you're..." Aiden struggled for words as he flushed, looking at her gently.

     "Fine?" Aru said, waiting for rejection as she looked at the planks on the ground.

     "I was going to say, stunning."

Red and gold exploded in the sky.

A New YearDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora