The Final Push

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Your time with Bendy, your new friend, was just as precious as the rare moments you spent with Norman and Sammy. Sure you were still upset that they couldn't stay past work hours, but that didn't stop you from wishing for them to stay.
Sure, you occasionally, went to visit them, but only for a few minutes before going back to Bendy. Sammy was still giving you the cold shoulder but at least he didn't try removing you as he did with others.

After the incident with your form with Norman, as well as your introduction to your new friend, things seemed to be going fine for the most part. But Norman told you not to show your new form until you got it right, as well as keeping your new friend a secret. You wanted to lash out at him for that, but he told you that half-human creatures would send everyone into a panic that would most likely take you away from Sammy. And your new friend could be taken away too.
And if there was one thing that made you feel anything, was the thought of being taken away from Sammy. Your music man. Your sun.
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You especially didn't want your new friend, the only one who could understand what it was like to be ink and soulless, to be taken away as well.
"Is something wrong, friend? You've been quiet for some time"
Oh, right, you were currently resting after a long night of morphing your form into a more humanoid shape. For some reason, your face was the hardest thing to shift. Bendy didn't seem bothered about it, so you guessed this must be a normal thing for him.
Odd that you haven't seen him shift yet. At least he could speak properly this time and not pause with every word. Poor thing.
"Sorry Bendy," you say calmly "I'm just missing Sammy"
"The one who makes you warm" he stated.
"Yeah. It hurts when he isn't here, I miss his music too"
"I must admit, I miss it too, although I prefer the silence more"
"Because everything is either too loud or too quiet, I can never seem to find the balance"
"I do not like the silence, after being around so much noise and warmth, anything that is cold or quiet sends me into a panic and running towards Norman, Sammy, or a corner"
Yeah, you finally managed to get the words out correctly thanks to your new friend, you just haven't had the time to show it off with your flesh friends. You were certain they would be proud of this new development.
"You will see them soon enough little one" he placed a hand on your head, ink slightly runny from the stress "you just have to be patient"
"I know" you gave him a real smile "I've waited this long to gain Sammy's trust, I can wait a little longer"
He poked your cheek "and don't you forget it, little void"
You have no idea why he kept calling you that. Even after you repeatedly kept telling him to call you Odessa. He just rubbed his hand on your head and repeated the phrase or nickname as he called it.
You wanted to be angry with him, but every time he touched you, you couldn't get yourself to tell him off as you had done with those people who hurt your human friends. Speaking of them.
"Bendy, is it a bad thing to hurt people when they hurt people you care about?" you asked timidly.
"I don't know. Little void" the ink creature replied with no hesitance in his voice "you are the first friend I have" he paused a moment to tilt his head as if thinking "but I don't think there's anything wrong with it, if they hurt you, you should reply back in kind, why should you and your friends suffer when they get away with it?"
You supposed that was true, but thinking back on what your friends felt, especially when they got caught in your ink, you felt all of their emotions, their memories, hell you even watched their faces pull in fear just as you collapsed the pipes to remove the black clothing people. You didn't want them to keep looking at you with that look, even if you were protecting them.
"I do not want them to run away from me" you admitted weakly as he stroked your head in a way that made you lean towards it "I want them to like me by their own choice"
Bendy made a light, wheezy chuckle "I don't understand the meaning of choice, I was never given that option. I was just made, only to be seen as a monster, a mistake" he leaned down towards your ear "soulless"
You would have shivered if you felt fear. Instead, you just sat there as he leaned back and continued his actions of stroking your head. Almost making a purr sensation a few seconds into doing the motion. You just let him do it, even if it made you a little uncomfortable.
You would have preferred Sammy doing this.
"Whatever the choice though," he said quietly after a few minutes "I'll stay by you no matter what, little void"
You smack his hand and throw a glob of ink at him. He just laughs and retaliates.
For a moment, you felt lighter. Happy.

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