Pain Leads To Death

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Norman prided himself in knowing what bumped in the night/darkness that was known as Joey Drew Studios. So to have himself get caught unaware was a massive strike to his ego.
Although he supposed he would have to focus on that another time. Since right now, he was currently tied up both hands and feet, with a raging headache and that annoying ringing noise that felt like his ears were about to be blown off. And he was certain he could hear talking if the mumbled words were anything to go by.
"Stop talking. One of them is waking up" hissed a voice.
Okay, they were definitely people, but Norman was certain they were not people who worked in the building. As far as he remembered, since it hurt to think right now, there hadn't been any new. And furthermore, how the hell did they get inside the building without getting noticed? Wait, did they hurt Wally?
Blinking harder and squinting around, he was able to make out five black and blurry shapes in front of him, one leaning down to look at him.
"You IDIOTS!" Norman turned around in time to see what looked like the leader slap one of his partners on the cheek "these aren't Joey Drew, their hairs are completely different colours and length AND DREW IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT LIKE THAT THING!" he pointed towards Norman, and he didn't need to be a psychic to know the goon was talking about his skin colour.
"And that other one is Sammy Lawrence, in charge of the music for this stupid place" he hummed as he examined the projectionists' face "maybe this can work to our advantage" he got and turned to his group "keep an eye on them, I will be back soon" he ordered them as he walked out of the room.
By this point, Norman's ears had finally stopped ringing and his vision had come back that he could see where he was. The goons were leaning against wooden beams on opposite sides of the walls, a speaker right above them. And they were all wearing black clothing. Robes to be exact with hoods that blocked out their faces.
And after looking around the room. He could say for certain that while he hadn't been in this room much, he knew without a doubt this was the dance room.
"I think you hit the guy a little too hard mate, he looks a little blank" one of them chuckled.
"Last I checked, his kind didn't have any brain" another one cackled. the other followed suit.
Norman paid them no mind, he was too busy looking around his spot to see if there was anyone else with him. And he was proven correct. Because a few feet on his left was Sammy, with what looked like a mixture of dry and fresh blood going down his temple. He was obviously alive otherwise they wouldn't have tied him up. The only problem was that he wasn't awake.
Norman silently prayed that the man didn't have a concussion. He may not be a big fan of the musician but even he didn't deserve this. No matter what his temper was like. He also silently prayed someone would come to find them. More importantly, he hoped Wally was okay.
"Last I checked, Joey Drew didn't ask money from shady goons" Norman replied calmly, eying the floor where the goons feet were "you are clearly not robbers otherwise you would have left by now, so it begs the question, what are you really here for?"
This got the others laughing "ya here that boys, the BEEP thinks it's smart" he sneered and loomed near the bound man "and here I thought your kind were only good for being-"
He was interrupted by Norman shifting his leg and kicked the man hard enough that he lost balance and fell backward, clearly, his clothing wasn't good for this kind of injury.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Norman asked calmly, trying really hard not to smirk at the fact he just one-up the man.
His answer though was a punch to the jaw, hard enough for him to get dizzy and nearly fell to the floor. He was able to keep his balance though and only grunted from the blow, he had worse before. But that was definitely going to bruise.
"What the hell are you two doing? And why are you on the floor?"
"Stupid thing knocked me over"
"Then don't get close to him next time, idiot, now go and guard the door" the leader kicked the fallen person before looking at Norman, glaring "Joey or not, they will make a great sacrifice to the gods"
"Oh great, another Drew" groaned a voice from his side, it was Sammy "I've had enough crazy cultists for one day thanks"
Norman had to hand it to Sammy, he was really good at not letting things bother him. He just hoped it would last through all of this though.
"Crazy cultists he says" the leader murmured "Sammy, you make music for that demon, your a man of music so you should have the brain to be open-minded, yet you threw it away for someone like Drew and that demon"
Norman could practically 'hear' the eye roll "oh spare me the whole Bendy being a devil incarnate, I've heard so many times it isn't funny" he narrowed his eyes towards his captives "and spare me the whole 'I'm a musician so I should be open-minded' crap, you already tried that on me before"
Before? So Sammy knew these idiots before he worked here? No, he couldn't think about this now, and it didn't matter what Sammy had done in his younger days, all that mattered now was getting out of here.
"Why Sammy, why did you forsake the gods of creativity and purification? You used to enjoy it, remember the good ol' days?"
Sammy snarled "that was 'before' you decided to go jump in the deep end and swim with the sharks, and I love music as much as the next person, but I don't let it control my life"
Norman wasn't sure if he should believe that was a load of crap or not. Sure you should take your job seriously, but Sammy seemed to take it a little too far most of the time. Although he supposed that if you had someone like Joey Drew breathing over your neck, you would end up like that as well.
Then again he took his job as the projectionist seriously too, so he should be a hypocrite to complain about Sammy.
He was shocked though with what came next. The leader kneeled before Sammy and held his face as if one would do to a spouse. He could practically see Sammy recoiling at the touch and shaking in. Was that rage or fear in his eyes? And he was starting to get pale. Norman secretly wished it was from the blood loss.
"Soon you will see Sammy, just how much we've changed" the leader cooed "so. Much. Stronger" he gave Sammy a gentle pat on the cheek before tracing his thumb over his lip.
Big mistake, as Sammy opened his mouth and bit down as hard as he could when the leader was able to pull it out while crying in pain, Norman was able to see blood dripping down the man's teeth and mouth. What creeped him out was the fact that Sammy was grinning. At least until the leader had enough sense to get up, grab some metal pipe, and smashed it on the injured side of Sammy's head, knocking the man onto the floor, alive and still conscious.
But if he didn't think of something soon, Sammy might not get out of this alive.
Norman jumped and looked up towards the sound. The. Cultists? Doing the same thing. Two of them were mumbling under their breath and wondering what the noise was. The noise continued, followed by the sounds of rattling. And sloshing?
Were the pipes going to break? Oh god, were they going to drown in it?
"I don't know what's going on in your bosses mind, but it will not be tainted for long" he turned to the others "go and see what that was, this place must not be tainted"
Two of them nodded and ran into the darkness. The leader turned back to the two bound men on the floor.
"Are you just going to leave Sammy to die?" Norman snapped "he needs help"
"He never understood what true art was even when we were teens, he deserves no mercy from me" the leader replied cooly.
Norman felt like scoffing, as everything began to crash onto him like a cartoon anvil "mercy? Do you call this mercy? YOU'RE A PSYCO THAT SHOULD BE IN THE TREATMENT CENTER!"
He received a punch for that.
And that's when the speakers turned on. The feedback was obvious. But Norman was certain he hadn't seen anyone enter the door on his left.
Sheep, sheep, sheep. It's time for sleep.
The voice, however. Sounded like there were a million voices speaking. Male and female. As if in pain. The leader was looking up with fear on his face.
Rest your head. It's time for bed.
Sammy was unfocused but could hear the singing, if he didn't know any better, he could have sworn he heard his voice.
In the morning you make.
Two black tendrils burst out of the pipes and grabbed the remaining cultists.
Or in the morning.
The pipes burst and ink flooded the area. No one had the chance to scream.

Inky Conscience (BATIM Sammy x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora