A Shift In The Studio

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Sammy had been the type of human to never leave things unfinished. He was a perfectionist to a fault and hated things being thrown at him at the last minute.
So when he walked into the studio and found the place covered in ink stains, both floor and walls. You could tell he was already in a bad mood if the frustrated and confused look was anything to go by.
"What the hell?" he muttered.
"Hey Sammy, are you going to move or what?"
Sammy just moved back for the singer, Susie Campbell, to move first. She did a similar reaction. Except it was only shock.
"What happened here?" she asked, most likely to herself since Sammy would always give a sarcastic comment "did someone forget to turn the machine off last night?"
"Either that, or Tom and Wally didn't check the pipes and forgot to clean up" Sammy replied.
"Wally isn't going to be happy about this"
"Wally is never happy about anything" Sammy groaned quietly "and I just got these shoes cleaned"
"Well suck it up hotshot, we need to get moving" Susie patted his back before walking into the studio without care that her shoes would get ink stains on them.
"Wally will be needing to clean the music department after this" Sammy muttered as he walked glumly to his office.
It didn't stop the feeling of someone watching him though. And that the pipes would need looking into since there seemed to be banging noises coming from them.
Just another day at Joey Drew Studios.
Sighing in exhaustion at the already tiring day ahead of him. He held onto his briefcase and banjo tightly as he walked into his office. Only to drop them in shock when he saw what was on HIS wall in HIS office.
'Y O U P L A Y B E A U T I F U L L Y'
Someone had written that sentence like a 5-year-old kid. How the hell did someone get in here during the night? Joey Drew may walk in unannounced from time to time, but even he knew when to leave well enough alone. And nobody in the music department dared to come in unless they really needed to. Even Wally didn't dare come in, especially if he lost his keys.
So then who the hell could it be? Children were not allowed in the studio, and the people working here had at least some decent handwriting that it wouldn't look like a child had done it.
"I don't have time for this" he muttered angrily as he picked up his case and banjo, moved inside the office to kick the door shut, and practically slammed his backside on the seat along with his briefcase.
He would get Wally to clean the wall up later, he needed to get this music done as soon as possible. Pity, it wasn't Christmas as it would have made things more easier for him. Kind of.
"Filthy ink" he muttered as he lifted the banjo to see if he had damaged it.
When he saw no markings, he quickly checked the strings. Still nothing, even when he plucked them. Mentally sighing in relief, he carefully placed the banjo on the floor next to his desk. Then he opened up the case to grab his music sheets. Trying to ignore the sensation of being watched.
No one was outside his office. He was alone in his sanctuary. He was fine.
Or not. He had jolted in his seat and looked out his window to see if anyone was there. There wasn't any.
Tap, tap, tap, tap. Tap. Tap. Tap
The tapping stopped. But where had it come from?
"It has to be the ink fumes" Sammy muttered "this studio is starting to get to you Sammy"
He kept this mantra going as he continued his work. It was slower than what he was used to, but it was better than remembering that strange thumping noise. Plus needing the wall to be cleaned. He had a hard time trying to forget about HOW it got there in the first place.
And speaking of cleaning, where was Wally anyway? Wonky and badly written aside, it was large enough that anyone could see it outside of his office.
"Uh, Sammy? You do realise the ink is meant to go on paper and not the walls. Right?"
Speak of the devil.
"I didn't write that, Wally" Sammy replied as he tried to get his frustration in check, placing his pen down and slowly turning his chair around as if trying to be dramatic "someone else did"
Wally looked at him in confusion and, was that worry? "Last I checked, you never let anyone inside of here unless it's important, or for me to clean up"
"And I know you'd rather tell a dirty secret about yourself before even trying anything in my workspace" he jerked his thumb towards the wall "yet someone doesn't seem to think that, and unless you forgot your keys again for the front door, then someone came in during the night to mock me"
"I doubt anyone would come here just to make fun of you" Wally shifted nervously "but I can ask around if it helps"
Probably for the best, Wally may be stupid at times but he had better social skills than Sammy ever did. Meetings? Give him the time and date and he would be ready and waiting for whatever bull crap was being made. Small talk? You had a better chance at talking to Bendy.
"Don't come back until you get an answer" was all Sammy said before turning back to his desk, signaling the end of the conversation.
His answer was that of a door closing shut. Finally. Silence.
And it stayed like that long till it was time to go home. He got no word from Wally but word had spread around the departments about someone vandalizing his wall. Just what he needed. Another distraction.
Wally better have that thing cleaned by tomorrow or he was outta here.

He's here. He's finally here. Now you don't have to listen to the voices anymore. Music helps. It always helps.
You were certain this was what happiness felt like. It was hard to tell since you felt like you were everywhere in the studio yet inside Sammy's Office at the same time.
It was certainly disconcerting, especially from how you. Evolved for lack of a better word. One moment you were just a pea with a conscience in the swirl of inky-looking tunnel. The next you had all these new words, what objects were, even the humans names. It was so overwhelming that it would have made you dizzy if you had a head.
But where were you? Ah yes. Following Sammy. The charming musician. Cute too. No. Handsome.
You remembered his face when he opened the front door to find the inky stains you had left when the pipes burst. Not your best moment but you tried your hardest so the others would have less hassle for later.
It was the correct thing to do after all. You had made a mess, it was your responsibility to clean it up. This might even get you bonus points with Sammy. He seems to like competent people when he isn't living in solitude.
Still, if you could have a moment of silence without these strange voices whispering to you then you might have liked the quietness too.
The moment Sammy walked off towards his department, you quickly 'ran' towards him, yes you could have just waited for him inside his office, but it was so nice to see him walk. His posture, his expression.
Dat Ass.
You were pretty sure you were walking on. What was the expression humans used? Oh yeah? Cloud 9. Or floating, but technically you were already floating in this ink pipe.
Pity you couldn't get out of this. Yet.
And you were slightly upset that Sammy didn't like your message. It had been so difficult not to make a mess, and ask the ink to write it. Not your best attempt but it was something. Not to mention the tapping you had done. Purely by accident of course, you hadn't noticed it until he looked in your direction.
No matter, you had time. you had plenty of time to make him notice you. Perhaps you could try observing the music department, learn the ways of music, or listen to Sammy to help him with his music. that should give you points with him. Right?
You like that word. Muuuuuusic. Saaaaaaammmmmy. Such looooooovely woooooords.
Sammy Lawrence. You will set me free.

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