Awkward Meet. Light and Dark Teamwork

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You couldn't believe it. Here was your music man in front of you. But he didn't look happy to see you. Did you mess up the instructions that Norman said to you? No, you couldn't have. You had done everything you could to ensure that nothing bad would happen.
Perhaps it was simply because he had never seen ink moving like you were? Norman had mentioned that as well. Hmm. This was going to be tough. But you got this far. You could be patient a little more.
"Norman?" oh, his voice sounded even better in person "are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
"Am I seeing a grown-ass man pale at the sight of a living, talking entity made of ink? Yes, I am" Norman did something odd with his mouth.
Was he being rude to YOUR music man?
"Of course I'm paling, it's made of ink. Ink is not meant to move on its own" Sammy replied, but he looked really angry.
"Their name is Odessa, Sammy"
"Hey, I thought both you and Sam-me were giving me one" you cried out "you pro-mis-d"
"I'M WHAT NOW?! What am I, a parent?"
"Sammy, calm down and Odessa, we will, but we need Sammy to understand what's going on before we do anything"
You pouted but nod. You don't want to make this worse and make him leave.
"Is this thing responsible for nearly drowning us? What if they try to do it again?"
That. Really. Hurt. Seriously, it felt like someone had shoved you in a really cold place that had no warmth at all. You didn't mean to hurt them, you were just upset those people in black hurt Norman and the music man. Mainly the music man.
"Not my fault" your voice quivered as you ducked down slightly "I was upset, I wan-ted them to stop. Hur-ting. You and No-man"
This caused him to blink at you "I can't tell if your lying"
"If they were lying, then why are we the only ones to have survived that pipe burst" Norman paused "actually, what did happen to those people?"
"I. I don't know" you bowed your head "I just wan-ted them to stop hur-ting you" you perked up "but I can go look" maybe this would make him happy.
"You mean you never went back to check on them?" Norman asked.
You shook your head "no, I have not"
"If you have left them lying around, people would have noticed" Norman stated "so we can only assume for now that they are hiding somewhere, or you somehow. Absorbed them"
"I can't ab-sorb " you replied "only ink" you remember trying to absorb the men in black, they tasted funny. That was why you threw them away before checking on Norman and Sammy.
"Does that mean you were the one who wrote those stupid messages on the walls? And who kept giving me those flowers on the desk?"
You were certain your mouth would be smiling as wide as that Bendy character "yes, I am. I did not like how they said rude things to you. I thought me say-ing nice things would make them stop. As for the flow-ers" you ducked your head "I thought they would make you happy. I just wan-ted to make you less grum-py"
Sammy just stared at you. Then looked towards Norman "Polk. Can I speak to you alone for a moment?"
"Shouldn't we ask them to find the bodies? Would save time"
"Should we really leave it on its own?"
"I trust them"
"I don't but go ahead, don't expect me to save your ass tomorrow though"
You wanted to cry. Your music man didn't trust you, even with you telling the truth. But. Norman did say that he was like this all the time. Maybe you had to try harder again?
"Could you help me get out of the bucket? Please?" you asked Norman.
"Can't you grow bigger with the ink in there?"
"I do not want to make anyone un-com-for-ta-ble"
Norman crouched down and held his hand low enough for you to climb in yourself. Once he was sure you were secure. He lifted you out and helped you onto the floor. You say thank you before moving as best you could out of the room. It was difficult, but you managed.

Norman watched the creature leave the room. He wanted to snap at Sammy for making the creature feel bad, but the guy did have a point. But at the same time, he was wrong.
"Don't be hard on Odessa Sammy, they didn't ask for any of this" Norman stated as he gave the man a hard stare.
"Why Norman? Last I checked, it wasn't our fault that the pipe burst" Sammy glared.
"And it isn't Odessa's fault they are the way they are" Norman took a step forward towards the musician "you didn't hear what I heard coming from their mouth Sammy, that creature is no different to a child that was thrown into a world of sadness, depression, and desperation" he took another step forward "have you noticed how they speak and word things? This creature is intelligent sure, but it has the mental capacity of a child and we are the only ones that can keep them stable right now"
Sammy snorted as he rolled his eyes "enlighten me then Norman, how that could be true?"
Norman began counting on his fingers "They woke up in darkness cold and lonely, then they felt warmth when they heard your music, when they heard your voice they felt warmer. When they saw your appearance and how grumpy you were, they were both sad and infatuated with you that they did everything they could to make you happy, from the writings on the walls, yes including the threat, to the ink flowers laid on your table-"
"Wait, stop there for a moment Norman" Sammy interrupted "those flowers were made of ink? That creature said that?"
"They didn't say it outright but where else could the flower come from? This place doesn't have flowers" Norman shrugged.
"Point taken" Sammy crossed his arms, shifting on his feet and thinking "they really said all that? When I was in the hospital?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to believe it, but how do you explain a walking, talking snake made of ink that practically saved our asses down in the dance studio?" he paused and looked at Sammy a little harder "speaking of, who were those people? They seem to know-"
"They were people I knew in my younger years and went as crazy as Joey is right now" Sammy interrupted "I'd rather not talk about that"
Norman wanted to argue, but he knew just how stubborn Sammy could be about his life, so he just nodded and moved onto something else "if you don't believe the things I have mentioned about Odessa, your welcome to ask them, they will be more willing to speak with you than me"
"I thought it liked you"
"Only because I was the only one who could save you from the concussion you had, they knew nothing about human health and had to trust me with you, I'm pretty sure that if I had been like those guys, Odessa would have drowned me too"
Sammy paled "thank god it didn't because I do not want to explain this all to Joey"
Sammy's translation 'I'm glad you're still alive'.
They stayed like that before Norman cleared is throat "so..."
Sammy rolled his eyes and sighed "fine, I will try to tolerate this creature, but don't don't expect a miracle"
"I think the only thing you need to worry about is Odessa asking about the instruments and how they work, if they love the music then it's likely that they'll ask for either what it does or how to use one"
"If they are capable of not damaging them as well as fix them I don't care" Sammy shrugged "that also includes not staring at me when I work"
"I pro-mis Sam-me"
Both men jumped and looked in the direction of the voice. The snake looked ridiculous, The body that was most likely it's stomach was about the size of the piano, and it's tail end looked comically small. How it was able to move like that was beyond them.
They would have laughed if the situation wasn't serious. And clutching their hearts as if it was going to jump out.
"How did you get here so fast?" Sammy asked as he clutched his heart.
"The pipes, one moment, I have to get them out"
Before they could ask what that meant, you regurgitated five bodies on the floor. They didn't have any ink on them, so it didn't take long for them to realise that it was the cultists. And they didn't appear to be breathing.
"Well now, what do we do? We can't exactly bury them out the back" Sammy asked.
"What about the police?" Norman asked.
"Hello, officer? Yeah, we found 5 bodies hiding in our studio, all of which died from ink poisoning that came from a living, breathing ink snake" Sammy replied sarcastically.
Odessa was certain a light bulb appeared above Norman's head "wait, that might work"
Sammy looked at him as if he just grew another head "Projection man say what now?"
"Think for a moment, it's not uncommon for the pipes to burst now, and there's been proof that people have been injured from the pipes or contracted ink poison, we could make it look like a burglary gone bad"
Sammy looked at him as if he had just grown another head "are you insinuating that we stage a burglary death?"
"It beats finding some random location and dumping them there, plus it would take ages to find a place for 5 bodies at this time"
"Point taken"
"Odessa, do you think you can make a pipe burst or move the ink?"
"I can ab-sorb ink, not sure if I can tell it what to do" Odessa slithered towards them "but I am tough, I can ab-sorb the ink to make me bigger, and stab pipe, tell me place and I will go"
"Joey's Office" Sammy blurted, he was met with two stares "Joey more likely has something in there that's valuable, plus there's no way they would get further down, some places don't have keyholes"
"You just want to get back at Joey"
"Guilty as charged" he smirked, and Norman didn't like the wicked/evil glint in his eye either "now let's go set the stage little sheep's"

There were plenty of ink puddles that hadn't been cleaned up by Wally, so you had no problem doing his work for this. And you no longer had to sit in Norman's hand as they walked, you could easily keep up with them now.
You made sure not to have too much, just enough to keep up with the humans and to reach the pipes without any help from the fleshies. And so that you could carry the corpses with no trouble and looking like a cartoon in the process.
To quote Sammy. "It was foolproof Norman, so shut the hell up and keep walking".
You had never laughed so hard in your existence. You still have no idea why. But you didn't care, he made you 'laugh'. A positive emotion. It was nice.
And the 'job' was pretty simple. Aside from finding a pipe that was near Joey's Office. None of you had any trouble 'setting the stage'.
And after everything was finished. Sammy actually SPOKE to you 'not a bad job, if I wasn't with you guys, I'd almost say that was the work of a real ink burst'. When you had asked Norman what he meant, he replied with 'that's his way of thanking you and saying nice work'.
Your smile reviled Bendy's grin. And your body nearly liquified over your 'warm feeling'.

"So now that's out of the way, shall we head off home?" Sammy asked "need as much sleep as I can get before I have to come back to this hell hole"
You wanted to complain about your name and to stay longer, but sleeping was required for them to heal, Norman told you so. So you stayed quiet
"I'm not sure on Sammy, Odessa, but I'll see you in the morning alright?" the projectionist asked as he got his coat on.
You let out a hiss without realising it "I will Nor-man. Pro-mis"
Norman elbowed Sammy lightly in the side and made a nod towards you. You didn't know why, must be another one of those silent human talks.
"Oh, right. See you tomorrow Odessa, and try not to leave any messages on my walls again, or flowers" with that, he left the building.
"He's starting to like you" Norman stated "just keep up with what I said and he'll warm up"
You believed him. You still believed him.
Oh, how naive you still were.
Work slow. Last longer. Work fast. Live little. Music man, I hope we last longer. Joey sounds bad
Interesting. How interesting. Such. Knowledge

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