Suspicions and Surprises

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Needless to say, word got around about the 'failed burglary attempt' when Wally, who had finally recovered from his illness, opened up the building and did some light cleaning before everyone came to work. Found them lying in ink under the broken pipe.
He had immediately warned everyone, including Joey. Who then told everyone to stay away from the area while he sorted out 'damage control'.
Some people raised eyebrows but immediately did as they were told. Some were whispering why they were still working when a death/crime had been committed right under their feet.
Sammy, was shockingly the first one to speak up "Joey wouldn't pay us for a day off and haven't you noticed crime rates have been going up but nobody is bothered? Just grin and bear it as the saying goes"
Nobody talked about it after that. Especially when they noticed a small smirk on Sammy's face every time he walked past the corridor that led to Joey's office. If they didn't know any better, they would assume he had something to do with it.
That or he was in a really good mood because smirking was not something he did, or smile for that matter.

As for you. You were currently hiding in the projection booth in a bowl of ink, you don't know how, but you managed to remove the extra ink from your body to reduce your size.
Now the reason for why you were in a bowl. The janitor named Wally Franks, still a very odd name when you thought about him. Had taken the bucket you once sat in and used it for cleaning up YOUR ink.
But you didn't complain, you've seen humans slip on the ink before and you did not want your new friends to get hurt.
At least no one would be suspicious if Norman had a bowl of 'black stuff' sitting on his stool.
He even continued to teach you about things, certain objects you still couldn't understand, the human strengths and flaws (there were too many for you to count, but you still thought of Sammy and Norman were perfect). Heck, he even taught you new words and what they meant. And he helped you understand more of why Sammy shouldn't be disturbed during work hours.
And speaking of work, you stayed respectfully silent when he needed to do his job. Which wasn't a lot so it gave you both time to talk and learn.
Norman was nice, but he wasn't your Sammy. Still, at least you weren't bored watching all the humans sitting around drawing all day.

The only downside now that Wally was back, was that Norman and Sammy could no longer stay to 'tidy up' the place. Sammy watched as Norman said to the ink creature, now known as Odessa for now, that it would be best to wait a few days, for the 'heat to die down' before he and Sammy tried to stay after hours.
Well, unless Joey wanted them to stay anyway. And they were not going to ask unless the man said it himself.
The music composer rolled his eyes as he watched the projectionist talk to the ink snake like it was a child. Kind of, he was using 'big words' like usual but immediately began to break it down for the creature to understand.
He grabbed his stuff, clocked out, and then left, not even bothering to say goodbye. His mind was running a hundred miles an hour of everything that had happened during the week.
After his first encounter with the ink snake and faking the burglary. The day had finally caught up to him when he had arrived home and had a mild panic attack. Not just from the creature, but from a past he had tried to bury in the sand.
Now though? He entered his house, sunk into his sofa, and pulled out the ink flower that he could not bring to throw away. Why? He had no idea either. Perhaps it was because it finally gave him the 'cure' for him to continue his work in the silence of his office. Maybe he was lonely? Pff. As if.
Looking at the 'flower' as if it had the answers to everything in his messed up life, he began to think back on what Norman had said and what the creature had mentioned as well.
He wasn't a man who wore his emotions on his sleeve, hell he never showed them to anyone at work or off the clock. But that didn't mean he was heartless, he gave respect where respect was due and tried his hardest not to jump to conclusions, at least when he wasn't on the clock anyway because Joey was always the reason behind everything, the was the one thing he and his co-workers could agree on.
So as he looked at the flower and thought about everything Norman had stated about the creature's birth. A part of him was amazed that such a. Literal. The heartless creature was capable of creating something a rose, a small part of him hoped that the ink creature could find true happiness.
And that it didn't come from him.
He had Susie Campbell, a beautiful opera singer with the voice of an angel. He had been smitten over her the moment she sang to prove she was capable of working here. And the fact that she was willing to date someone like him? He swore his heart had stopped working after she had agreed to go out.
So yes. He did hope Odessa would find happiness and the warmth that it clearly was in desperate need of. But they really had to get over the idea of being infatuated with him. That stuff always leads down dark and twisted spirals of madness that he had tried to put past him when he was younger.
He also hoped you never found out about him and Susie too.
And speaking of Susie. He had to get ready for a date in 2 hours.

After saying goodbye to Norman, you looked around the main room in slight wonder. Unlike last time where you had been tired constantly, or wanting to sleep to skip the day so you could meet your new friends. You were now looking forward to looking around the place with no limitations.
Besides Wally's 'whistling' anyway.
So that's what you did. Wandering the place with only the sound of 'Wally the Janitor's' faint whistling for company. But what was different from before, was that you didn't have to hide at all. Wally was making noise that you could easily avoid, people had stated they had seen Joey leave the building, and other than Wally having to clean up, no one else was allowed to stay late unless Joey said so.
It was foolproof. And this time you didn't get to rush it like those other times. Or when you 'dozed off' as you slithered towards Sammy's office.
And just like before, everything looked bigger and different to when you had been living in the pipes. Especially with the size, you have at the moment. You didn't want to risk drinking ink and getting caught by Wally.
As you continued your journey to look at the building, a few questions would pop in your head as you thought about Sammy and Norman. Then they would disappear when you found something new in the rooms.
Eventually, though you ran out of places to search, and there was at least one hour left before everyone came back to work. So you decided to go to the last room you hadn't looked at yet.
Joey Drew's OLD OFFICE.
You hadn't known he HAD an old room. Why was it here further down the building? Was he hiding something from everyone else? What could be in there?
Without any hesitation, you phased out of your physical form and slithered under the door, re-adjusting once you succeeded.
Then you heard a thud ahead of you.
Once you saw who it was, you tilted your head in confusion.

Who. Are. You?
What. Are. You?

Inky Conscience (BATIM Sammy x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora